| - This guide assumes six herbs from each patch, thus 30 herbs. Your profit per hour may vary depending on the survival rate.
Farming grimy torstol can be a very profitable way to spend a few minutes at a time. Magic secateurs help increase profits slightly due to the 10% boost to crop yield. Generally, good harvests yield 5-14 herbs, but the norm is five to eight herbs per patch, so players can expect an average of 6.5 herbs each patch. There is also a 10% chance herbs will succumb to disease and die.
Players should have five torstol seeds, some runes, and a means of teleportation. Then, players can start their herb run at any herb patch withdrawing any additional supplies needed from the tool leprechaun. If players have access to the Lunar Spellbook from Lunar Diplomacy, Fertile Soil can be used in lieu of supercompost, but it will make the profit per patch , thus total. Also, Spellbook Swap can be used to access the Standard Spellbook and Trollheim Teleport, but it requires 96 Magic and Dream Mentor.
After planting, a player can move onto the next patch in any order. An example of an herb run is provided below.
* Use the Camelot Teleport and run west to the Catherby herb patch, or use the Catherby Teleport and run north to the patch.
* Cast Ardougne Teleport and run north-east, or use the Ardougne cloak teleport to get to the patch instantly.
* Empty the Ectophial to Port Phasmatys and run west of the undead farm to the patch.
* Cast Trollheim Teleport and use the Agility shortcuts to the west continuing downhill and through an area filled with aggressive trolls and into Troll Stronghold. Run south through the stronghold and to a door in the south-west, and then go north to a ladder. Climb it to get to the patch.
* Use the cabbage port option on the Explorer's ring to teleport to the patch south of Falador.
- Farming grimy torstol can be a very profitable way to spend a few minutes at a time. However, it most profitable when all possible items to maximize the crop yield:
* Magic secateurs from Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains, which boost yield 10%
* Greenfingers aura, which boost yield 3%, 5%, 7% and 10% respectively.
* Juju farming potion from Herblore Habitat, which give a 33% chance of picking double herbs, effectively increasing yield by 33%
* Scroll of life, which gives a 10% of returning your seed after you've harvested it.
Without these items, herb farming is much less profitable. One could expect about 6.8 herbs per patch and a 10% death rate, but with all of the above, an average of 9.8 herbs per patch can be achieved, meaning 58 per run.
Items such as the Farmer's outfit and Falador shield 2 or higher will also increase experience gained. A Modified farmer's hat will also save sowed seeds 2% of the time and offers 3 free teleports to the Morytania allotment per day.
Start your run with 6 torstol seeds, 6 supercompost, transportation to get to all six patches and whatever yield- and experience-boosting items you have. At each location, harvest any available herbs, note them with the tool leprechaun, compost the patch, and plant a new seed.
* Use the cabbage port option on your Explorer's ring to teleport to the patch south of Falador .
* If you've completed My Arm's Big Adventure, Teleport to Trollheim and use the agility shortcuts to the west. Continue through an area filled with aggressive trolls and into the stronghold. Run south through the stronghold, to a door, and then north to a ladder. Climb it to get to the patch. The Livid Farm spell Trollheim Teleport (Lunar) can also be used, but you must be on lunar spells.
* Empty the Ectophial to Port Phasmatys and run west.
* Teleport to Ardougne and run north-east, or use the Ardougne cloak teleport to get to the patch instantly.
* Teleport to Camelot and run east until you reach the patch north of Catherby, or teleport by using a lodestone to Catherby then run northwest.
* Finally if you've done Plague's End teleport to Prifddinas using Crystal teleport seed and selecting Crwys.
From start to finish, this process takes about five minutes, and the new seeds you planted can be checked in 80 minutes. You could sell your herbs after each run, or wait a while and sell them.