| - You want:
* The Constellation? or
* The Cloth? or
* The Saint?
- Cygnus is the son of a deceased Daraakian general whose family fell from nobility to lower class. He loves a girl named Sara. He fought with great skill to protect her from the Black Knights, but their leader threatened her safety if he did not join them. He is defeated by Ares during the war with the Radnik Alliance. Ares spares his life when he discovers that Cygnus also has a girl waiting for him. However, Mikael murders the defenseless exhausted Cygnus after Ares leaves him.
- Cygnus, oder auch Schwan, ist eine Sternenkonstellation am Himmel der Erde. Als der Doktor einen romatischen Abend mit Dr. Danara Pel auf dem Holodeck verbringt, nutzen sie ein von Tom Paris erstelltes Holoprogramm, in dem sie in einem '57er Chevy auf dem Mars parken. Aus dem Automobil heraus zeigt der Doktor Danara einige Sternbilder, darunter auch Cygnus. (VOY: )
- Cygnus is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- Cygnus appears in Telepath RPG: Servants of God.
- Cygnus is the current empress over Maple World and the head of the Cygnus Knights.
- While on a date, on a holographic recreation of Mars, with Danara Pel, The Doctor pointed out the constellation Cygnus as among the many star formations and astronomical highlights seen from Mars. (VOY: "Lifesigns")
- The Cygnus is an interregional luxury passenger ship in SaGa Frontier. It features prominently in the first half of Red's quest.
- Cygnus is a star in the Vearrier Quadrant of the Sol Sector. With the Pilgrim migrations started in 2311, Cygnus was one of the locations where they established interstellar self-sustaining settlements. During the Pilgrim War, Cygnus was attacked and conquered by the Grand Fleet. Cygnus was also the location where the peace accords were signed, dissolving the Pilgrim Alliance. Thenceforth it was controlled by the Terran Confederation.
- Cygnus (キグナス Kigunasu?) is an FM-ian based on the constellation Cygnus, the swan.
- Cygnus is the 18th god of the world, created by Xa'an, and a master of "deception."
- The Cygnus was a Valuan Flagship under the command of Admiral Alfonso from the 1st Fleet of the Imperial Armada. It is one of the few flagships that the player does not engage in battle with.
- Cygnus was a featherweight robot that fought in the Featherweight Championship of Robot Wars: The Seventh Wars. It lost its first round battle after getting flipped over and left unable to self-right, before being thrown into the pit by the Floor Flipper. The team also entered the main competition of the Seventh Wars with Cygnus X-1.
- Cygnus is a loose alliance of wanderers, drifters and refugees that was founded in the desert to the southwest of Vainqueur. Many were attracted to Cygnus by its policy of no-questions-asked acceptance, despite one's race or personal circumstances. The laws of the land are lax, but because of this, quarrels tend to break out quite often, and the citizens living there tend to be rather coarse.