| - Protector
- These parts were manufactured by Crey Industries. They have been modified in many small ways, and would now mesh perfectly with a Rikti plasma weapon.
- After you rescued her from the Freakshow, Kimberly Kellerman told you: 'Thank you so much. It's strange, but I think that those Freaks were looking for me. I was so scared until you came. I have to call my husband and tell him I'm okay.'
- When you rescued Tracy Templeton, she told you:
'Oh, it's awful! Those security forces told me they were going to make sure no one ever came looking for me. They were going to make sure no one ever knew I existed! They said they'd erase my bank accounts, my dental records, everything! My sister's, too! I've never felt so helpless or scared.'
- After his defeat, the tank Freak called Saiba the Damaga told you:
'We didn't have anything against that Kellerman chick. We were just doing a job. We were paid to kill her, and then ramage on the place to make it look like nothing special. We were supposed to meet the guy who hired us to get the rest of the money, but we didn't know why he wanted her dead.
- When you rescued Kimberly Kellerman, she told you:
'I thought the world was falling apart when my own husband didn't recognize me. Then Crey security took me away. I thought they were going to kill me, but they took me to meet this Dr. Giacomo. He said he was going to alter my mind to make me loyal to Crey! He said he didn't want me distrupting my husband anymore, and it was easier to change me than to kill me. Thank heaven you came in time!'
- You found this book in the Rikti base. Written by hand, it describes a utopian society in which physical labor is unnecessary, in which each member's needs are provided for in full. You can imagine the downtrodden Lost pouring over this manuscript in wonder, longing to belong to such a world.
- You found this hastily scrawled map in the abandoned building where Ken Kellerman was hiding from Crey's security forces. It shows a location in Kings Row. Off to the side, two stick figures stand behind a wall of iron bars. The map is signed with the letters, 'K.K.'
- Ken Kellerman's told you:
'I'm not entirely sure what's going on. When you arrived, those guards grabbed me and told me to stay here or else. It was odd. But then, it's been an odd day.
You say you're looking for someone named Kimberly? I met a Kimberly today. She said she knew me, and she seemed familiar. But I just couldn't place her. A shame, because she sure was pretty. And sweet. A couple of security guards came and took her away. If I see her again, I'll try to contact you. Well, after I get her number myself. A woman like that you don't easily forget.'
- One of the POWs you rescued told you:
'The Rikti knew I was a medic, and they forced me to help with their experiments. It was sickening, but I had to at least try to save some lives. I also worked on a few injured Rikti. It was different, yes, but not as different as I expected. I mean, they're aliens, right? But I could find major arteries half the time in a Rikti body. They could even use human plasma, sometimes. I think their doctor started to respect me. It was probably the only reason they never experimented on me or executed me.'