| - The Orient Express is a train moving across the railroad tracks of several countries in Europe. The episode Turtles on the Orient Express of the 1987 TMNT cartoon is set on the train.
- The Orient Express is a transcontinental rail route across Europe, traditionally running between Paris and Istanbul. As an aircraft name, Orient Express may be:
* The Rockwell X-30
* Stratocruiser Orient Express - Boeing 377 c/n 15956 operated by Northwest Orient Air Lines
- CONTROL agents Max and 99 rode the train in Get Smart episode #13 "Aboard the Orient Express" as did their fellow spy James Bond in From Russia, with Love. For more see Wikipedia entry
- The Orient Express is a train.
- L' Orient Express était un train de luxe, qui assurait la liaison entre Paris et Istanbul entre 1883 et les années 1970. (Réalité extrapolée *) Sigmund Freud y rencontra à bord, Gertrude Stein, et dîna avec elle tous les soirs. Beverly Crusher appréciait particulièrement ce train et en visita une recréation holographique. Ce programme fusionna avec un programme occupé par le Lieutenant Commander Data et le Capitaine Jean-Luc Picard, ce qui faillit causer leur mort, en raison d'une mal-fonction dans la base de données du holodeck. (TNG: "Emergence")
- On the search for information on the Holy Grail, Professor Henry Jones was scheduled to ride from Paris to Belgrade in the 1930's. In 1939, while on the trail of the Staff of Moses, Indiana Jones boarded the Orient Express in Paris, France and rode it to the east.
- The Orient Express was a professional wrestling tag team in the World Wrestling Federation in the early 1990s composed of Pat Tanaka and Akio Sato, who was later replaced by Kato
- In latere eeuwen had de trein nog steeds een romantisch en mysterieus karakter, aangezien het altijd een verrassing was wie men tegen het lijf liep. Sigmund Freud ontmoette op de trein Gertrude Stein en dineerde iedere avond met haar. Beverly Crusher was dol op deze trein en had er een holodeksimulatie van. Dit programma raakte in de war met een actief programma van luitenant-commandant Data en kapitein Jean-Luc Picard, waarbij ze beide bijna omkwamen. (TNG: "Emergence") Categorie:Aardse transportmiddelen
- [[Plik:Nemo_express.jpg|thumb|Kretes próbujący dostać się do lokomotywy]]Orient Express - pociąg, którym jechali Kretes oraz Shlafrock Holmes do Stambułu. Ma swoje stacje w Paryżu i Stambule oraz prawdopodobnie w Budapeszcie, o czym świadczy wypowiedź Narratora
- Orient Express (ばんりの ちょうとっきゅう lit. Ten Thousand Mile Superexpress in Japanese) is the third level of the first warp room in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. The first level in the entire series where Coco is playable, this stage sees her riding her new tiger friend, Pura, along the Great Wall of China, still under construction at some point in the distant past. This level is almost identical to the warthog levels from Crash 1 and the Polar levels from Crash 2, but now with the ability to charge indefinitely by holding down the File:PlayStationCircle.svg.png button, or the R2 button.
- In later centuries, it was still held to be a romantic and mysterious method of transportation, since one never knew who one would meet on the Orient Express. Sigmund Freud met Gertrude Stein on the Orient Express, and had dinner with her every evening. Beverly Crusher was particularly fond of this train, and had a holodeck recreation of it. This program merged with an active program occupied by Lieutenant Commander Data and Captain Jean-Luc Picard, almost killing them both, due to a malfunction in the holodeck safety protocols. (TNG: "Emergence" )
- The route and rolling stock of the Orient Express changed many times. Several routes in the past concurrently used the Orient Express name, or slight variants thereof. Although the original Orient Express was simply a normal international railway service, the name has become synonymous with intrigue and luxury travel. The two city names most prominently associated with the Orient Express are Paris and Constantinople (Istanbul), the original endpoints of the timetabled service.
- The two city names most intimately associated with the Orient Express were Paris and Istanbul, the original endpoints of the service. In 1887, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were riding on the Express through Austria when they were stopped by the train of Pope Leo XIII, who commissioned Holmes to investigate the disappearance of books from the Library of St John the Beheaded in London. (PROSE: All-Consuming Fire) A space-faring version of the train was built that attempted to mimic the original in fine detail. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express)