| - Lua scripting can also be used to create recipes. Lua recipes are more complicated than GUI recipes, but offer much greater control. As the name implies, GUI recipes can be created in the Foldit client mainly by clicking and picking. Typing is only required if you add comments to the recipe, and when you give the recipe a name and description. In contrast, Lua recipes are written in programming language, and it's generally best to use an external editor. GUI recipes consist of a series of commands like shake, wiggle and mutate, which correspond to Foldit tools.
| - Lua scripting can also be used to create recipes. Lua recipes are more complicated than GUI recipes, but offer much greater control. As the name implies, GUI recipes can be created in the Foldit client mainly by clicking and picking. Typing is only required if you add comments to the recipe, and when you give the recipe a name and description. In contrast, Lua recipes are written in programming language, and it's generally best to use an external editor. GUI recipes consist of a series of commands like shake, wiggle and mutate, which correspond to Foldit tools. When a GUI recipe runs, each command in the recipe is performed in order, one time. GUI recipe commands have may options. For example, shake, wiggle, and mutate have an "iterations" option, limiting how long the command runs. Mutate, freeze, and band have a "segments" option, restricting the commands to certain segments. These options can be set using sliders. Other commands have different options. GUI recipes simplify repetitive tasks, and expand the capabilities of the basic tools. For example, a single "Local Wiggle Sequence" command wiggles many separate sections of the protein. It would be extremely time-consuming to do this manually.