| - __NOEDITSECTION__ Mayonnaise is an ingredient. Its rarity is rated 5 out of 5 in the game. It was released on .
- You can made it using craftsman cook skill
- Mayo is most commonly used on sandwiches, such as tuna sandwiches.
- thumb|230pxMayonnaise ist eine dickflüssige, kalt hergestellte Sauce auf der Basis von Eigelb und Öl bzw. Wasser, Lecithin und Fett. Mayonnaise bildet die Basis verschiedener klassischer (kalter) Saucenrezepte: -Knoblauchsauce -Sauce Alicante -Sauce tartare usw. Der durchschnittliche Verbrauch von Mayonnaise liegt in Deutschland bei rund 2 kg pro Jahr und Haushalt, in der Schweiz bei rund 1 kg pro Jahr und Person.
- Mayonnaise is a name of a sauce in the real world and also Chowder.
- Mayonnaise can be part of a paste rubbed under chicken skin. It carries a risk of salmonella due to undercooked eggs.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mayonnaise]] mayonnaise, named after the city Mahón whence the recipe was brought back to France. The United States standard of identity comes from 21 CFR 169.140.
- Mayonnaise (sometimes abbreviated to mayo) is a stable emulsion of oil and either vinegar or lemon juice, with many options for embellishment with other herbs and spices. Egg yolk is the traditional emulsifier. It is often cream in color, and may be anything in texture from that of light running cream to thick. In countries influenced by France, mustard is also a common ingredient, whereas in Spain it is made using the same ingredients, but specifically olive oil as the oil, and never with mustard. Numerous other sauces can be created from it with addition of various herbs, spices, and finely chopped pickles. Where mustard is used, it is also an emulsifier.
- Mayonnaise was a sauce. The Eleventh Doctor used mayonnaise when making Craig Owens and himself an omelette. Craig remarked that it was the most enjoyable thing he had ever tasted. (TV: The Lodger)
- Mayonnaise is a sauce made of eggs, oil and mustard.
- Mayonnaise is a nectar of the white people... except Miracle Whip, which everyone knows only hippies and douches only eat that piece of libural condiment.
- Mayonnaise - gesprochen: Majonäse - (nach der Rechtsschreibreform auch Meiohneseh) ist eine Sauce, die viel appetitlicher ist, als sie aussieht. In vielen Fällen enthält sie nicht einmal Salmonellen. Feinschmecker aus aller Welt schwören auf Mayonnaise, wenn sie auf Diät sind, und schmieren sie auf alles, um sich den Appetit zu verderben. Das Land mit der bedeutendsten Mayonnaisekultur ist Mexiko, wo sie sogar einen eigenen Gedenktag hat, den Cinco de Mayo.