| - Drikl Lecersen was a male Human who served on the Council of Moffs of the Imperial Remnant from 41 ABY and onward. A supporter of Imperial leader Gilad Pellaeon, Lecersen was an old-school Moff who believed strongly in doing one's duty and keeping combat-ready at all times. During the Second Galactic Civil War, Lecersen backed a mutual alliance between the Remnant and the Galactic Alliance under Chief of State Darth Caedus in combating the Confederation, a rebellion revolting against Caedus's government. After agreeing to supply warships and soldiers to aid in an Alliance war effort, the Remnant was granted control of the Bilbringi and Borleias star systems—something the Moffs saw as the beginning of a renewed Galactic Empire. Following Pellaeon's assassination during the Second Battle of Fondor, the Remnant further aligned itself with the Galactic Alliance under Caedus. As the war progressed, Lecersen oversaw the Imperial conquest of the Roche asteroid field and narrowly survived the Mandalorian slaughter of Moffs during a subsequent raid on the asteroid Nickel One. In the aftermath of the fray, Lecersen, now the de facto leader of the Moff Council, accompanied Chief of State Caedus into battle during an attack on a Jedi Coalition base on Shedu Maad in the Hapes Cluster. Against Caedus's orders, the Moff authorized the creation and deployment of a nanovirus designed to target the bloodline of Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo. The move ultimately proved fruitless, and, with Caedus's death, the battle ended in defeat for the combined Alliance and Remnant fleet. Cornered by Jedi forces, Lecersen and the remaining Moffs were given the choice between imprisonment or helping to rebuild the Alliance as punishment for their part in the war. The Moff Council opted for the latter, and, to ensure their cooperation, Jagged Fel, son of Imperial starfighter pilot Soontir Fel, was installed as Imperial Head of State—a move to which Lecersen agreed, given the elder Fel's reputation as an Imperial pilot. By 43 ABY, Lecersen was still serving as a Moff under Fel, who was gradually transforming the Remnant into a new Empire. The Moff, however, saw Fel's growing relationship with Jedi Knight Jaina Solo as a weakness for both the Head of State and the Empire as a whole. Lecersen hoped to exploit Fel's romance and other factors in the tumultuous post-war galaxy to his own advantage, with the aim of restoring the Moffs to glory as leaders of the Empire. Lecersen's dealing expanded considerably during the year, as he entered into a conspiracy headed by Alliance Senator Haydnat Treen that plotted to seize control of both the Imperial and the Alliance governments in an effort to bring about a renewed Galactic Empire. While simultaneously plotting against Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala, Lecersen sought to supplant Fel as Imperial Head of State. By 44 ABY, the conspiracy had only attained marginal success, and Lecersen was forced to ally with recently deposed Chief of State Daala in her bid for Empress to save his own life. After a prolonged standoff against Fel's forces, both sides agreed to cease hostilities in favor of a general election to select the Empire's new Head of State.