| - As the legend goes, in 100 ABY a powerful warrior by the name of Valor Altus began a search for ultimate knowledge and supreme enlightenment of the force, and its connection to sentient life. As the myth is told, Valor traveled to the planet of Nirauan, renown for its seclusion its natural habitat. There, he sought out a great rock, a spire that gave him an unobstructed view of his surroundings. It was here on this great spire, sitting cross legged on the stone with the sun beating down on him, that he closed his eyes and entered a deep meditation, a meditation, that bordered on hibernation. And their, deep within his own mind, he separated himself from his body, allowing the elements of the rock, the sun, the water of the babbling brook beneath him, and the vicious wind of the South to te
| - As the legend goes, in 100 ABY a powerful warrior by the name of Valor Altus began a search for ultimate knowledge and supreme enlightenment of the force, and its connection to sentient life. As the myth is told, Valor traveled to the planet of Nirauan, renown for its seclusion its natural habitat. There, he sought out a great rock, a spire that gave him an unobstructed view of his surroundings. It was here on this great spire, sitting cross legged on the stone with the sun beating down on him, that he closed his eyes and entered a deep meditation, a meditation, that bordered on hibernation. And their, deep within his own mind, he separated himself from his body, allowing the elements of the rock, the sun, the water of the babbling brook beneath him, and the vicious wind of the South to tear at his body. For one year he sat on the rock, pondering on the intricacies and depths of the force, immersing himself completely in its flow. And, at the end of that year, he awoke, and so began the teaching of Wudan.