| - Wally and Osborne chronicles the many adventures of Osborne (a penguin) and Wally (a polar bear) in Antarctica. The format varies from gag-a-day to story arcs, but it's safe to say that the story never takes itself too seriously. Unfortunately, it hasn't been updated in a little under four years, but there's still a decent archive to go through.
* 419 Scam: Briefly mentioned here.
* A Crack in the Ice: Used with thin ice here.
* All Deserts Have Cacti: Antarctica has snow ones made by Wally.
* Beach Episode: With a rather disturbing twist...
* Blatant Lies: After Osborne first tries orange juice, finding he loves it, he remarks, "It's not very good. I don't think you'll want any."
* "It's worse than I thought... *munch munch* He's evaporated!"
* "Hi guys. I'm not with him."
* Blinded by the Light: Wally after staring at the sun for too long here.
* Bold Inflation: Often.
* Canis Latinicus: Invoked when Osborne names the frozen prehistoric penguin "Penguinus Maximus".
* Comedic Sociopathy: "At least he's not flailing about anymore."
* "Well, that was kind of a neat trick, but you did miss some rocks."
* "Okay, looks clear."
* How to take care of two mouths to feed.
* Comically Missing the Point: Here:
* Everything's Better with Chocolate: Wally loves it.
* Everything's Better with Penguins: Osborne, naturally.
* Evil Tower of Ominousness: What?! Where are you going?! You didn't even throw a single snowball!"
* Filler Strip: This strip.
* Funny Background Event: Osborne getting tangled in the paddle ball string here.
* Getting Crap Past the Radar: Despite there not really being a radar, this definitely qualifies.
* This strip briefly mentions size enhancement.
* Great Big Book of Everything: Antarctica's Big Book of Facts.
* It may be sentient, if this strip is any indication.
* Harmless Freezing: The result of getting hit with a hot water balloon.
* And staying out in a blizzard too long.
* Hollywood Skydiving: During the "BASE Jumping" arc.
* I Drank What?: Osborne here.
* Also used with bellybutton lint.
* Impossibly Tacky Clothes: Wally here.
* Incredibly Lame Pun: Wally is a polar bear, native to the North Pole, in the South Pole. As Osborne puts it, he's bipolar.
* The comic's original title, On the Rocks, might also count.
* Lemony Narrator: "This bird slips and falls on its heinie a lot."
* Nose Nuggets: One of these things is not like the others...
* Open Says Me: "I did jiggle the handle a bit... with that snow shovel."
* Orphaned Series: Hasn't updated since 2008.
* Polar Bears and Penguins: The polar bear population in Antarctica is exactly "one."
* Recursive Reality: Suggested in the author's notes of this strip.
* Riding Into the Sunset: Parodied here: since Wally and Osborne live in Antarctica, the sun won't set in five months.
* Running Gag: Water balloons, snowmen, and toboggans.
* Rock Bottom: Here.
* Shout-Out: "It's a bird!" "It's a plane!" ... "No, definitely a bird."
* "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Wallace?
* One of these things is not like the others...
* Shown Their Work: The author knows a lot about Antarctica.
* Snowball Fight: "I need to find some smaller friends."
* Tempting Fate: A perfect day... for a while.
* Toilet Humour: Here.
* The Wally and Osborne comic... not above using potty humor.
* "No, definitely a bird."
* Poor Osborne...
* "Waiting for Checkers" indeed.
* Underwear of Power: Wally and Osborne's superhero garb of choice.
* Unsound Effect: *push*
* Vomit Discretion Shot: Implied here.
* Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Here.
* Water Guns and Balloons: Though there are no water guns, water balloons show up quite often.
* Their first appearance notes that the climate of Antarctica isn't suited for them.
* Wally's attempt to rectify this mistake ends with Osborne frozen solid.
* An attempt at using air balloons solidifies Osborne's Butt Monkey status.
* Even more so with the helium balloon.
* Waxing Lyrical: "It's like rai-ai-ain on your wedding day!"