| - Umbrella operated a research facility underneath a mansion in the isolated Arklay Mountains. It used brilliant scientists such as John Fay as unknowing contributors to their B.O.W. development program, recording the effects of the T-virus on various subjects. Eventually HQ began to consider experimenting on human test subjects, and deliberately released the virus inside the facility, infecting the entire staff. This led to the unplanned side-effect of allowing the B.O.W.s to escape, risking their release into the wild. While interesting as a tool for combat data, Umbrella reassigned their S.T.A.R.S. mole Albert Wesker to Raccoon City and ordered him to form a team. Through this, Umbrella would be able to prevent the spread of the virus; collect valuable data and have the participants elimi
| - Umbrella operated a research facility underneath a mansion in the isolated Arklay Mountains. It used brilliant scientists such as John Fay as unknowing contributors to their B.O.W. development program, recording the effects of the T-virus on various subjects. Eventually HQ began to consider experimenting on human test subjects, and deliberately released the virus inside the facility, infecting the entire staff. This led to the unplanned side-effect of allowing the B.O.W.s to escape, risking their release into the wild. While interesting as a tool for combat data, Umbrella reassigned their S.T.A.R.S. mole Albert Wesker to Raccoon City and ordered him to form a team. Through this, Umbrella would be able to prevent the spread of the virus; collect valuable data and have the participants eliminated. Some time in-between Wesker's assigning of a team and the investigation, mysterious murders at Raccoon City College prompted the new S.T.A.R.S. team to investigate. While the investigation revealed the existence of a werewolf, it was quickly rebuted as the work of a madman (the corpse having returned the body to human form). Thus, the first taste of what was in store for S.T.A.R.S. went relatively unnoticed. Following the events of the incident, S.T.A.R.S. was ordered by Umbrella to cover-up the events of the outbreak. Barry Burton and Rebecca Chambers were reassigned to other S.T.A.R.S. units, though Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine were put on leave pending psychiatric evaluation. With Barry revealing his knowledge of William Birkin's G-Virus project, used their free time to plan an investigation of Umbrella's European headquarters. Chris assured his teammates that the case in Raccoon City wouldn't simply be forgotten, revealing that he made preparations for Leon Kennedy, a police officer soon to be transferred to the city, to handle their casework. The story, Dangerous Secrets, while taking place two days after the Mansion Incident, also says that Leon will arrive in the city in "a couple of days".