| - Cloaked Figure: Hmph. So you're a pirate. I have no buisness with you. White: But then where am I supposed to find a ship? That's not fair! Cloaked Figure: I'm not going to do any buisness with a pirate. A pirate can plunder themselves a ship, can't they? White: Hey, I'm not a bad guy! What do you have against pirates anyway? Cloaked Figure: (angrily) Pirates stole my home and took the happiness of the people of this island! How dare you ask me a question like that! White: What? Really? Cloaked Figure: Are you an idiot or something? How can you be on this Island and not know? White: Um, well, I kinda ran into some rocks off the coast here... Cloaked Figure: The West Coast?! But that's impossible! White: (strikes dramatic pose) There is nothing impossible for this brave warrior of the sea! I won't succumb to anything, ever! Cloaked Figure: Well, whatever. I have no buisness with you. Goodbye. White: B-but I really need a ship! I'll do anything! Cloaked Figure: (glint of an eye from within the cloak) Anything? White: Yes! Cloaked Figure: Then come with me. By the way, my name is Wanamo. Wanamo: If you want to continue, I need to put Kairoseki cuffs on you. White: Um... Well I really need a boat... But what's Kairoseki? Wanamo: You don't need to know that. White: Eh?! Wanamo: Alright. Wanamo took off his cloak, revealing that he is a young man a little older than White, with blond hair and an open shirt revealing a muscular body. He plugs White's ears with rocks (Okay, hits him over the head with them) and then knocks using the Shave-and-a-Haircut knock on the end of the cave. The rocks slides to the side, and a tunnel is shown behind the man at the door. Man: Oh, It's you. Come on in, then. Wanamo: Come on, Pirate. White: (not knocked out in the slightest) ...I feel all weak... Wanamo: Will you help me carry him? Man: He a prisoner, then? Wanamo: Not sure yet. Man: Be seeing you, then. Wanamo: It's actually really simple. If you agree to help us fight the pirates occupying the island, we'll let you go. If not, we'll treat you like the other pirates we captured.