Attributes | Values |
| - The Colbert Report/Episodes/Season4/July
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| - //For season color indication. IE can't see line color yet. if leave blank default value is "CCCCFF"
| - 2008-07-14(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-15(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-16(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-17(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-21(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-22(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-23(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-24(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-28(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-29(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-30(xsd:date)
- 2008-07-31(xsd:date)
| - 418(xsd:integer)
- 419(xsd:integer)
- 420(xsd:integer)
- 421(xsd:integer)
- 422(xsd:integer)
- 423(xsd:integer)
- 424(xsd:integer)
- 425(xsd:integer)
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- 427(xsd:integer)
- 428(xsd:integer)
- 429(xsd:integer)
| - 4087(xsd:integer)
- 4088(xsd:integer)
- 4089(xsd:integer)
- 4090(xsd:integer)
- 4091(xsd:integer)
- 4092(xsd:integer)
- 4093(xsd:integer)
- 4094(xsd:integer)
- 4095(xsd:integer)
- 4096(xsd:integer)
- 4097(xsd:integer)
- 4098(xsd:integer)
| - 1560.0
- In the first "Astronaut Thursday", Dr. Colbert presents a Threat Down, follows the world tour of America's favorite Secret Muslim and discusses the finer points of the latest Anglican Summit, before swapping WristStrong Bracelets with guest, Dr. Garrett Reisman.
- Dr. Colbert opens the show more furious than he has ever been after hearing that Ted Stevens has been indicted! His fury continues unabated during his interview with carbon-phile, Eric Roston, an author who can't shut up about carbon even after writing an entire book about it.
- Still fuming, Dr. Colbert vents his sophisticated rage toward a fat cat, who isn't Ted Stevens, but an actual 44-pound cat from New Jersey and how America is allowing state fairs to disintegrate like so many stomach linings as deep-fried twinkies settle in. Allowing his rage to simmer, Dr. Colbert joins hippie troubadours, Crosby, Stills and Nash in The Greatest Rendition of Teach Your Children Ever!
- Dr. Colbert dedicates a moment of quiet reflection upon hearing the news that Robert Novack has a brain tumor with a few phone calls. Later, guest, Toby Keith brought his supple lips back to The eagle's Nest to talk with Stephen and sing a song.
- Dr. Colbert presents another edition of Cheating Death and discusses astronauting with guest, Buzz Aldrin. No punches were thrown by either party.
- Dr. Colbert discusses the controversial The New Yorker magazine, as only he can and allows a Venezuelan-hugger into The Eagle's Nest to blather on about beauty pageants and 12-cent-a-gallon gas. Dr. Colbert's guest, Jason Riley, tries to convince America that the border protecting us from Venezuelans should be wide open. Also, Difference Maker Donald Trump shills his golf course, perhaps as a destination for all those future landscapers.
- Dr. Colbert feels the suffering of some Americans as they suffer watching other Americans suffer from the economy. He also helps Barack Hussein Obama look for an other religion with a look at Buddhism! Dr. Colbert's guest tries to avoid the solution to all of America's problems: invading Iran.
- Dr. Colbert fulfills his promise in the opening by discussing himself, his ice cream, his home state and his WristStrong Bracelets with guest, Secretary of Education, Margaret Spellings.
- Dr. Colbert spends the first few minutes of this show, finishing up from the previous show! He shaves, reads the The USA Today and flushes the C-Desk toilet before welcoming guest, Elizabeth Edwards to talk about turning America into Canada.
- Dr. Colbert discusses one of the more important aspects of the failing economy: the closing of many Starbucks, including the one under The C-Desk. Dr. Colbert's guest, Nas, recognizes gated community cred when he calls Stephen a "gangsta host"! This compliment makes up for his perfoming a treasonous song against FOX, called Sly Fox.
- Dr. Colbert compares the wasteful, elitist extravaganza that is the Obama campaign with the subdued and thoughful campaign of war hero John McCain. Later, he Better Knows the eco-lobby with a certified tree-hugger. Later he talks with guest, Senator Jim Webb about the dangers of writing one's own books.
| - "Count your blessings, America! One!"
- "Frère Jacques, frère Jacques! Dormez-truth!"
- "Thanks, Rush!"
- "Hey, In Touch magazine, if Brangelina turns you down, I have a pair of twins you can photograph!"
- "I always give it 110%! As I see it, somebody owes me a 10% refund!"
- "Do not store me near an open flame! My contents are under pressure!"
- "Batman may have ruled the box office, but Mamma Mia ruled my heart!"
- "For every action, I have a very superior reaction!"
- "Good fences make good neighbors and good neighbors make good fences! Get on it, Mexico!"
- "This is a no smoking building! Then what am I doing here?!
- "I'm like my own All-Star Game, in that I'm also not trying hard!"
- "I'm a man of few words, but I say them over and over and over!"
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