| - Deathlord Lairion Bloodborne is an elven Death Knight, former Paladin and close friend of Arthas Menethil, the Lich King. Originally a high-elf born in Quel'Thalas, Lairion was one of the few high-elves who followed the humans in the path of the light and became Paladins. Between the Second and Third wars, Lairion married a human mage named Lorna, who bore him a daughter; Arwyn. When a plague ravaged Lordaeron, Lairion was disgusted to learn that King Anasterian Sunstrider had refused to help. Going against orders, Lairion joined up with Arthas Menethil in hopes to combat the plague and save Lordaeron, becoming close friends with the human Paladin. When in Stratholme, Lairion remained loyal to Arthas after being abandoned by Uther, Jaina and several soldiers, and mercy killed the townsfolk. Lairion was horrified to find his wife had been turned, with his daughter nowhere in sight. He euthanized Lorna, but that action changed him, leading him down a dark path. Lairion was part of the detachment of troops led by Arthas in Northrend in order to track down Mal'Ganis. He later accompanied Arthas back to Lordaeron after claiming Frostmourne and became his Lieutenant. He fought with Arthas during both his first and second invasions of Azeroth and after Arthas escaped certain death during the sacking of Icecrown Citadel, Lairion escaped imprisonment and tracked Arthas down to Outland, where he once again fought by his side, rebuilding his army to combat the inevitable invasion of Azeroth by the Burning Legion. After the fall of Deathwing at Arthas' hand, Lairion was given the mission of getting the trust of the Ebon Blade as well as the other races of Azeroth, in order to bring the former back into the fold of the Frozen Throne and give the latter a reason to trust the Scourge when the Burning Legion returns.