| - The Artificial Intelligence chat Does god really have an ipod or does he have an iGod? Buy it now our price is £299.99! Look, everybody has an iGod even Jesus has one. Now thats the real deal.
- "Worship? A Macintosh product? AHAHAHA Man, that's funny all by itself." "Yes Bradley. A Macintosh product able to be worshiped! This has got to be the most ridiculous segment on this article. The iGod does not want your petty worship. What about you Bradley?" "You dirty dirty people! Why would a Macintosh product want you to worship it, you fools." Although the only way to recharge the IGod is by sacrificing your closest blood relative in his name. The iGod's preferred way of worship is by buying more Apple branded products. Your iGod wants bigger speakers, a dock, external hard drive, iGod super drive, plastic skin (collect all 5 billion combinations), auto adapter, FM radio tuner, XM satellite option, Airport Extreme (Yes iGods want their own Airport), an Octocore Macintosh Pro, a Macbo
| - The Artificial Intelligence chat Does god really have an ipod or does he have an iGod? Buy it now our price is £299.99! Look, everybody has an iGod even Jesus has one. Now thats the real deal.
- "Worship? A Macintosh product? AHAHAHA Man, that's funny all by itself." "Yes Bradley. A Macintosh product able to be worshiped! This has got to be the most ridiculous segment on this article. The iGod does not want your petty worship. What about you Bradley?" "You dirty dirty people! Why would a Macintosh product want you to worship it, you fools." Although the only way to recharge the IGod is by sacrificing your closest blood relative in his name. The iGod's preferred way of worship is by buying more Apple branded products. Your iGod wants bigger speakers, a dock, external hard drive, iGod super drive, plastic skin (collect all 5 billion combinations), auto adapter, FM radio tuner, XM satellite option, Airport Extreme (Yes iGods want their own Airport), an Octocore Macintosh Pro, a Macbook Pro, Apple Pippin, AppleTV, Steve Jobs' used socks, commercial air on cable TV infomercials, the iToilet, hookers, booze, crack cocaine, virgins, movie rights, selling your soul to the RIAA and MPAA, giving up your freedoms in exchange for eternal slavery to the iGod, and helping the iGod recruit more followers.