| - El cuatrocientos treinta y ocho (438) es el número natural que sigue al 437 y precede al 439. Categoría:Números
- The following is a detailed chronology on the events of the year 438, which succeeded 437 and preceded 439. See the Fall of Mirith article for the storyline that took place in the same year.
- It is 4am. Ben is waiting at the Old House for Barnabas to arrive. He tells him that Peter Bradford questioned him most of the night, and then he stayed in town until the trial was over. Ben tells Barnabas the verdict, and that they are going to hang Victoria Winters.
- Zusammen mit einem alten Studienfreund kehrt Oliver von dem Ärztekongress zurück. Juli freut sich riesig über das Wiedersehen - sehr zu Simone und Maximilian Ärger, die einen neuen Plan entwickeln, um die beiden auseinander zu bringen. Unterdessen verschlechtert sich der Gesundheitszustand von Olivers Freund drastisch. Jenny panische Angst vor einem Doping-Test alarmiert Richard. Als seine Sorge bei Simone und Maximilian verhallt, vertraut er sich Nadja an, die nicht verstehen kann, warum Richard der Firma undihren Machenschaften nicht endlich den Rücken kehrt. Doch Richard kann nicht aus seiner Haut - noch nicht. Maximilian ahnt, dass nur Mike oder Lena hinter der plötzlichen Doping-Kontrolle Jennys stecken können. Mike feiert derweil seinen privaten Triumphzug der Gerechtigkeit in der Kn
| - El cuatrocientos treinta y ocho (438) es el número natural que sigue al 437 y precede al 439. Categoría:Números
- It is 4am. Ben is waiting at the Old House for Barnabas to arrive. He tells him that Peter Bradford questioned him most of the night, and then he stayed in town until the trial was over. Ben tells Barnabas the verdict, and that they are going to hang Victoria Winters. Ben tells Barnabas that he thinks the judges believed his testimony, until Angelique showed up. He says when he saw Angelique standing there, he blurted out that she was dead, and his entire testimony was considered worthess. Ben wonders why Angelique came back to spoil everything. Barnabas says that freeing Victoria is what he wants, so Angelique is making sure it won't happen. Barnabas plans to put fear into Rev. Trask, let him live through it, and then eliminate him. Ben tries to talk him out of this but Barnabas says Trask will die slowly and horribly. Trask goes to Collinwood and demands from Naomi the keys to the Old House to cleanse Victoria’s room of all her belongings. Naomi tells him his presence disgusts her, making a point of calling him 'Mister' Trask. Trasks taunts Naomi, telling her that what disgusts her is that she aligned herself with the losing side in the fight of good vs. the Devil. She slaps him, refusing to give Trask the keys, but he reminds her that he can always get a search warrant in the village, and that Mr. Collins would not appreciate that. Naomi gives in and has Ben get the keys and take Trask to the Old House. At the Old House, Trask goes upstairs and Ben goes down to the cellar to warn Barnabas. Trask hears Ben talking and when he confronts Ben a few moments later, Ben tells him he talks to himself. After Trask leaves with Victoria's belongings, Barnabas comes to Ben and promises that tonight is going to be a night Trask will never forget. Trask returns to his room with Victoria's belongings. Suddenly he hears chains rattling outside his room and calls out, "Who is it?" He opens the door, but no one is there. He hears a woman scream and runs back into his room and bolts the door, but he continues to hear the chains. Then Barnabas' voice calls out to him, and again he shouts, "Who is it?" The voice tells him that he is not going to hurt any more innocent victims. He will never live to see the hanging. Trask sees a skull instead of his face when he looks in the mirror and then blood drips down the mirror from behind the frame. The voice shouts that Victoria Winters will live and he will die. Next he sees a floating hand with Barnabas’s ring on it. The hand appears about to grab Trask around the throat, but then vanishes. The voice tells him he will not die tonight or the next but very soon, "You are going to die!"
- The following is a detailed chronology on the events of the year 438, which succeeded 437 and preceded 439. See the Fall of Mirith article for the storyline that took place in the same year.
- Zusammen mit einem alten Studienfreund kehrt Oliver von dem Ärztekongress zurück. Juli freut sich riesig über das Wiedersehen - sehr zu Simone und Maximilian Ärger, die einen neuen Plan entwickeln, um die beiden auseinander zu bringen. Unterdessen verschlechtert sich der Gesundheitszustand von Olivers Freund drastisch. Jenny panische Angst vor einem Doping-Test alarmiert Richard. Als seine Sorge bei Simone und Maximilian verhallt, vertraut er sich Nadja an, die nicht verstehen kann, warum Richard der Firma undihren Machenschaften nicht endlich den Rücken kehrt. Doch Richard kann nicht aus seiner Haut - noch nicht. Maximilian ahnt, dass nur Mike oder Lena hinter der plötzlichen Doping-Kontrolle Jennys stecken können. Mike feiert derweil seinen privaten Triumphzug der Gerechtigkeit in der Kneipe. Plötzlich taucht Lena auf und stellt ihn zur Rede. Mike beruhigt Lena, dass ihnen niemand etwas nachweisen könne. Doch Lena bleibt skeptisch...