| - Political censorship exists when a government attempts to conceal, distort, or falsify information that its citizens receive by suppressing or crowding out political news that the public might receive through news outlets. In the absence of unflattering but objective information, people will be unable to dissent with the government or political party in charge. It is also the suppression of views that are contrary to those of the government in power. The government often has the power of the army and the secret police, to enforce the compliance of journalists with the will of the government to extol the story that the government wants people to believe, at times even with bribery, ruin of careers, imprisonment, and even assassination. In practice most political systems condemn political ce
| - Political censorship exists when a government attempts to conceal, distort, or falsify information that its citizens receive by suppressing or crowding out political news that the public might receive through news outlets. In the absence of unflattering but objective information, people will be unable to dissent with the government or political party in charge. It is also the suppression of views that are contrary to those of the government in power. The government often has the power of the army and the secret police, to enforce the compliance of journalists with the will of the government to extol the story that the government wants people to believe, at times even with bribery, ruin of careers, imprisonment, and even assassination. In practice most political systems condemn political censorship officially even if they practice it. Even in the United States of America, which has traditionally had one of the best records for journalistic freedom, the George W. Bush Administration bribed Armstrong Williams to tout pet programs of the Administration while posing as an independent journalist, fostered propagandistic news feeds supplied for free to television stations reported by "Karen Ryan", and allowed Jeff Gannon to become part of the White House press corps so that he could ask loaded questions that presumed an answer unflattering to the opponents of the Administration. Non-governmental organizations such as terrorist organizations and syndicates of organized crime have been known to attack newspaper presses, destroy broadcasting towers, and assassinate journalists (among the most infamous such cases, Dan Bolles). News media with monopoly or near-monopoly power in a local market (such as WLBT-TV of Jackson, Mississippi during the Civil Rights struggle in the American South during the 1960s) have been known to censor incoming news reports from the network to which they are affiliated. The word censorship comes from the Latin word censor, the job of two Romans whose duty was to supervise public behaviour and morals, hence 'censoring' the way people acted.