| - thumb|Toby Russell (2368) Doktor Toby Russell ist eine Wissenschaftlerin der Föderation im 24. Jahrhundert. Ihr Spezielgebiet ist die neurogenetische Forschung. 2368 arbeitet sie im Neurologischen Institut in Adelman und wird von Doktor Crusher angefordert, nachdem Worf bei einem Unfall schwer verletzt wird und anschließend vom Hals abwärts gelähmt ist. (TNG: ) Dr. Toby Russell wurde von Caroline Kava gespielt und von Gertie Honeck synchronisiert.
- Dr. Toby Russell, a human female, was a Federation scientist specializing in neurogenetic research, posted to the Adelman Neurological Institute. Russell visited the USS Enterprise-D in 2368 at the request of Dr. Beverly Crusher, as a consult after Lieutenant Worf was paralyzed. She suggested using the untested genitronic replicator to repair Worf's spinal column and restore full mobility, but Crusher felt the technology was too risky and would endanger Worf's life even further. Russell asked Worf about the surgery anyway, angering Crusher.
- La Russell si recò a bordo della USS Enterprise-D nel 2368 su richiesta della dottoressa Beverly Crusher per un consulto dopo che il Tenente Worf rimase paralizzato. Suggerì di usare il replicatore genitronico non ancora testato per curare la colonna vertebrale di Worf al fine di restituirgli una piena mobilità, ma la Crusher pensava che tale tecnologia fosse troppo rischiosa, capace - semmai - di mettere ad ulteriore repentaglio la vita di Worf. La Crusher e la Russell, allora, proposero a Worf di sottoporsi ad un trattamento tradizionale basato sul trasduttore neurale, ma l'uomo rifiutò, poiché preferiva morire piuttosto che vivere senza potersi muovere completamente. Perciò, la Russell propose a Worf di provare il replicatore genitronico, contrariando la Crusher.
- Doctor Toby Russell was a female scientist and neuro-specialist in the 24th century. Her research was concentrated in neurogenetics, and created a number of revolutionary medical technologies and drugs, most notably the genetronic replicator. By 2368, she was employed at the Adelman Neurological Institute. In the 2360s, Russell developed the genetronic replicator and performed dozens of holographic simulations. She petitioned three times for Starfleet Medical to approve its use on humanoids, all denied. She considered this an example of bureaucracy getting in the way of life-saving research.
| - Dr. Toby Russell, a human female, was a Federation scientist specializing in neurogenetic research, posted to the Adelman Neurological Institute. Russell visited the USS Enterprise-D in 2368 at the request of Dr. Beverly Crusher, as a consult after Lieutenant Worf was paralyzed. She suggested using the untested genitronic replicator to repair Worf's spinal column and restore full mobility, but Crusher felt the technology was too risky and would endanger Worf's life even further. Russell asked Worf about the surgery anyway, angering Crusher. The already tense situation was further inflamed when Russell assisted in triage of victims from the USS Denver. She used one of her experimental drugs on a survivor rather than another proven treatment which may have saved his life. Dr. Crusher, still upset over Russell's behavior concerning Worf, relieved her of medical duty. Crusher and Russell eventually did proceed with the experimental surgery and although the procedure was a success due to Worf's Klingon anatomy, Crusher still believed Russell practiced dangerous and inappropriate medicine, and reminded her of that fact as she left the Enterprise. (TNG episode: "Ethics") Over the next eleven years, Russell and Crusher continued to fight only this time it was in the published medical literature. Leonard McCoy, who sided with Crusher, often told Montgomery Scott of these publications. Russell and Crusher also met again at a medical conference on Trill where again they had a disagreement. In 2379, Admiral Nakamura assigned Dr. Russell to inspect the medical department of the USS Enterprise-E as part of a general inspection. Although Russell and Crusher fought again about Crusher's treatment of the Bader and the Dorset on Delta Sigma IV, Russell did recommend that the Enterprise pass its inspection. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- thumb|Toby Russell (2368) Doktor Toby Russell ist eine Wissenschaftlerin der Föderation im 24. Jahrhundert. Ihr Spezielgebiet ist die neurogenetische Forschung. 2368 arbeitet sie im Neurologischen Institut in Adelman und wird von Doktor Crusher angefordert, nachdem Worf bei einem Unfall schwer verletzt wird und anschließend vom Hals abwärts gelähmt ist. (TNG: ) Dr. Toby Russell wurde von Caroline Kava gespielt und von Gertie Honeck synchronisiert.
- Doctor Toby Russell was a female scientist and neuro-specialist in the 24th century. Her research was concentrated in neurogenetics, and created a number of revolutionary medical technologies and drugs, most notably the genetronic replicator. By 2368, she was employed at the Adelman Neurological Institute. Russell was controversial in her research methods, as she often risked the lives of her patients she deemed unable to save for experimental treatments. She was described as not caring whether or not the patient survived, only if she gained data from the attempt. However, she defended this by saying this data helps many more lives. In the 2360s, Russell developed the genetronic replicator and performed dozens of holographic simulations. She petitioned three times for Starfleet Medical to approve its use on humanoids, all denied. She considered this an example of bureaucracy getting in the way of life-saving research. Russell visited the USS Enterprise-D in 2368 at the request of Dr. Beverly Crusher, as a consult after Lieutenant Worf was paralyzed. She suggested using the untested genetronic replicator to repair Worf's spinal column and restore full mobility, but Crusher felt the technology was too risky and would endanger Worf's life even further. Crusher and Russell then presented a traditional treatment based on neural transducers to Worf, but he refused, as he would rather die than live a life without full mobility. Russell then suggested the genitronic replicator to Worf, angering Dr. Crusher. The already tense situation was further inflamed when Russell assisted in triage of victims from the USS Denver. She used one of her experimental drugs, borathium, on a survivor rather than another proven treatment which may have saved his life. Russell felt justified in using borathium, as she was able to recover valuable data which would allow her to improve the drug's effectiveness. Dr. Crusher, still upset over Russell's behavior concerning Worf, relieved her of medical duty. After conferring with Captain Picard, Dr. Crusher eventually decided to authorize the use of the genetronic replicator, and Russell participated in the groundbreaking surgery. Although the procedure was a success due to Worf's Klingon anatomy, Crusher still believed Russell practiced dangerous and inappropriate medicine- particularly since Worf had briefly died on the operating table, only being restored thanks to his neurological functions being 'backed up' along with most of his other vital organs. In a final tense meeting between the two doctors, Dr. Crusher addressed Dr. Russell coldly, saying that real research took years of patience and dedication to accomplish and not the shortcuts that Dr Russell had taken. As Doctor Russell left her office, Dr. Crusher told her, with a hint of sarcasm, to enjoy the accolades that would come from this success, because Dr Crusher wasn't sure she could given the questionable ethics Doctor Russell had used. (TNG: "Ethics" ) Dr. Toby Russell was played by Caroline Kava. Two of her three costumes from this episode were sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1] [2]
- La Russell si recò a bordo della USS Enterprise-D nel 2368 su richiesta della dottoressa Beverly Crusher per un consulto dopo che il Tenente Worf rimase paralizzato. Suggerì di usare il replicatore genitronico non ancora testato per curare la colonna vertebrale di Worf al fine di restituirgli una piena mobilità, ma la Crusher pensava che tale tecnologia fosse troppo rischiosa, capace - semmai - di mettere ad ulteriore repentaglio la vita di Worf. La Crusher e la Russell, allora, proposero a Worf di sottoporsi ad un trattamento tradizionale basato sul trasduttore neurale, ma l'uomo rifiutò, poiché preferiva morire piuttosto che vivere senza potersi muovere completamente. Perciò, la Russell propose a Worf di provare il replicatore genitronico, contrariando la Crusher. La situazione già abbastanza tesa fu peggiorata quando la Russell dovette aiutare nello smistare le vittime della USS Denver. Usò uno dei suoi farmaci sperimentali, il borathium, su di un superstite invece di un altro trattamento di provata efficacia che avrebbe potuto salvargli la vita. La Russell sentì di potersi giustificare per aver usato il borathium, poiché avrebbe potuto raccogliere dati importanti che le avrebbero consentito di migliorare l'efficacia del farmaco. La dottoressa Crusher, ancora contrariata per via del comportamento della Russell nei confronti di Worf, la sollevò dal suo incarico. Dopo averne parlato col Capitano Picard, la dottoressa Crusher, alla fine, decise di autorizzare l'uso del replicatore genitronico, e la Russell poté quindi avere un ruolo in questa pratica chirurgica innovativa. Sebbene la procedura si rivelò un successo grazie all'anatomia Klingon di Worf, la Crusher era ancora dell'opinione che la Russell praticasse una forma di medicina pericolosa ed inappropriata - in particolar modo, perché Worf era momentaneamente morto sul tavolo operatorio, per essere riportato in vita grazie al 'back up' delle sue funzioni neurologiche e dei suoi organi vitali -, cosa che le esternò prima che la Russell lasciasse l' Enterprise. (TNG: "Questione di etica")