| - Of course there is Always a Bigger Fish, but sometimes they aren't willing to just pop up out of nowhere and get you out of the current mess. That's where this trope comes in. Summon Bigger Fish is when you get another monster/god/whatever to fight the current one, and hope once the smoke is cleared the one you just called will leave you alone, or at least be weakened enough by the fight to be taken out with less insane tactics. Sadly, the odds that doing this only makes things worse is actually almost 50/50 -- Evil Is Not a Toy, after all -- but then again, once you've crossed the Godzilla Threshold, anything is a viable option.
| - Of course there is Always a Bigger Fish, but sometimes they aren't willing to just pop up out of nowhere and get you out of the current mess. That's where this trope comes in. Summon Bigger Fish is when you get another monster/god/whatever to fight the current one, and hope once the smoke is cleared the one you just called will leave you alone, or at least be weakened enough by the fight to be taken out with less insane tactics. Sadly, the odds that doing this only makes things worse is actually almost 50/50 -- Evil Is Not a Toy, after all -- but then again, once you've crossed the Godzilla Threshold, anything is a viable option. Compare Mons. Remember, this has to be a conscious use of getting another monster. If it appears by accident, or by the monster's own choice, put that example in Always a Bigger Fish instead. Named for a Running Gag in Darths and Droids. Compare Awakening the Sleeping Giant, Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?, Let's You and Him Fight, Enemy Mine. Examples of Summon Bigger Fish include: