| - The Wise One is absent for much of the story until the party arrives at the Mars Lighthouse, after the other three have been lit. The party learns from Hama that a powerful force was acting to prevent Agatio and Karst from going further up the Lighthouse. This force is revealed to be the Wise One, who determined that the pair lack the will and virtue necessary to complete the climb and turns them into Flame Dragons. Image:MarsLighthouse4.png When Isaac's party makes it to the top, the Wise One appears in shadow until Isaac and Garet call out to him. When Kraden asked how Isaac is on a name- to- name basis with the Wise One, Isaac and Garet explained how the Wise One halted the flow of magma in Sol Sanctum so the two could escape safely and do his works. Piers and Kraden respond that anyone with that kind of power is more like a god. The Wise One admonishes Isaac for disobeying his command to stop Felix and Saturos, saying that Prox had committed an unforgivable sin. However, when the party reveals what they had learned over their journey, about the eventual end of the world, the Wise One's tone changes, and tells them that they had learned too much. The party further states that it was up to them and the Wise One to prevent any further misuse of alchemy. The Wise One simply replies that he cannot interfere with man, but as Felix attempted to cast in the Mars Star, the Wise One starts to glow with Psynergy, explaining that while he cannot interfere directly, if some "miracle" would just happen to appear and stop them, then so be it, and summons the Doom Dragon. Unbeknownst to Isaac and Felix, the Wise One had lured their parents of Isaac away from the nearby town of Prox and subdued them, transforming them into the three-headed Doom Dragon in much the same way he did the other two Mars Adepts. The monster is defeated and despite the realization of what they have done, their resolve stays firm and Felix finally casts the Mars Star into the Lighthouse. The energy let loose by Alchemy’s return floods into the parents and revives them all, by which point Kraden realized that the Wise One had tested them; if Isaac and Garet would fail his instructions, the Wise One tested the party's resolve to ensure that the heroes were willing to do whatever it took to keep the world safe. Soon, as the Golden Sun forms, the Wise One alerts everyone in Vale and the four Lighthouses to the impending danger by communicating to them in their dreams. This proves Hama's contention that the Wise One has a caring heart; essentially, the Wise One elevates his stoic image once he finds the heroes necessary for Weyard’s well-being. When the Golden Sun finally forms above Mt. Aleph with Alex there to claim its power, The Wise One appears before Alex, who was perplexed as to why he did not have almighty power. The Wise One then reveals that back at the Sanctum, he performed a measure that caused a fourth of the Sun’s power to enter Isaac’s body, preventing the Sun's full power from being obtained. Enraged, Alex assaults the Wise One with his newfound Psynergy, only for the Wise One overpowering Alex effortlessly, crippling him. The Wise One then departs, leaving Alex to sink along with the crumbling Mt. Aleph.
- The wisest and most powerful Ancient psychic warrior was called the Wise One, by Dr. Romanov, who translated the Two Books and used them to locate the third castle. The Wise One was described as a sort of hero in the Prologue. He possibly fought in both great and terrible wars that destroyed his home planet.