Gotham City's Finest is a 2015 television series that acts a prequel spin-off to The Shadows of Gotham. Created by The Shadows of Gotham creator Danny Raymond, the show takes place in Gotham City approximately two years before its parent series. It is centered around GCPD detectives who protect the city from various criminals while trying to survive themselves in the corrupt and dark metropolis. The show ran for four seasons and fifty-six episodes. It ended on March 8, 2019.
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| - Gotham City's Finest (TV Series)
| - Gotham City's Finest is a 2015 television series that acts a prequel spin-off to The Shadows of Gotham. Created by The Shadows of Gotham creator Danny Raymond, the show takes place in Gotham City approximately two years before its parent series. It is centered around GCPD detectives who protect the city from various criminals while trying to survive themselves in the corrupt and dark metropolis. The show ran for four seasons and fifty-six episodes. It ended on March 8, 2019.
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Original run
| - December 2015 - March 2019
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| - Gotham City's Finest is a 2015 television series that acts a prequel spin-off to The Shadows of Gotham. Created by The Shadows of Gotham creator Danny Raymond, the show takes place in Gotham City approximately two years before its parent series. It is centered around GCPD detectives who protect the city from various criminals while trying to survive themselves in the corrupt and dark metropolis. Gotham City's Finest premiered on NBC on Monday, December 7, 2015 at 8:00 PM. The show was positively received but critics noted the change in pace and tone from The Shadows of Gotham. Its viewership was not as high as The Shadows of Gotham, but it was still moderately successful. After two seasons of preceding The Sing-Off, NBC moved it to Fridays, which is considered a death slot. Although its viewers remained steady, NBC didn't find it to be successful enough. Instead of cancelling it, the network renewed it for a fourth and final season. The show ran for four seasons and fifty-six episodes. It ended on March 8, 2019.