Atheists think that all theism is irrational. (See picture to right) -------->
The theist is a man, woman or, in rare cases, mole person, who have discovered the secret to life, the universe and everything. They use this knowledge to get promotions at work, heal themselves, and generally be dicks to everyone else. It is a known truth that the spirits of theists will enter paradise when they die. There are many different kinds of theists who all hate each other, so presumably paradise has some form of segregation system enforced by Ghost Busters.
Atheists think that all theism is irrational. (See picture to right) -------->
The theist is a man, woman or, in rare cases, mole person, who have discovered the secret to life, the universe and everything. They use this knowledge to get promotions at work, heal themselves, and generally be dicks to everyone else. It is a known truth that the spirits of theists will enter paradise when they die. There are many different kinds of theists who all hate each other, so presumably paradise has some form of segregation system enforced by Ghost Busters.