| - In 2002, The Rapture was released by Big Finish Productions.
- The Rapture is the 20th episode of Season 4. It aired on April 30th, 2009.
- The Rapture: In the Twinkling of an Eye / Countdown to the Earth's Last Days is the 3rd prequel novel in the Left Behind series, written by Timothy LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins in 2006. This book is the final of the three prequels and covers events leading up to the first book Left Behind. The narrative of the novel "The Rapture" takes place during the first part of Left Behind and provides a backdrop story for the book Left Behind. The book was released on June 6th, 2006 (6/6/6), which is the Mark of the Beast, a concept that plays a large part later in the series.
- The Rapture is a Unique item dropped by White Mantle Sycophant in North Kryta Province (War in Kryta).
- The Rapture is an episode of series 26 which first aired on Sunday 1st august. The episode had 3.8 million viewers and a 15.2% share.
- David oversaw the creation of the worlds first nanomachines and dedicated his life to developing them for use against Cancer. He was also the first test subject of his own creation. Shortly after he faked his death and was recruited to become the first member of C.H.A.O.S.
- Why it is ok that Obama became president. When all good fundamentalist Christians are taken up bodily into heaven, and all the heathens are left to suffer the effects of nuclear fallout, demons, and hell on earth. Even though it sounds scary you should look forward to it unless you are Buddhist, Hindu, Moslem, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Quaker, Amish, Methodist, Atheist, Agnostic, Jewish, well pretty much everyone except Fundamentalist Christians. As a consolation prize, all the heathens and sodomites get a lot of free clothes.
- The Rapture fue una banda estadounidense de post-punk revival, con base en la ciudad de Nueva York. Mezclan influencias del post-punk, dance-punk, acid house, indie, disco, electrónica, rock and roll y otros géneros más. Junto con Radio 4, fueron los fundadores de la escena neoyorquina de Dance punk (Punk bailable) que surgió a principios de los años 2000.
- The Rapture is something some fundies believe in. Basically, before the Armageddon, all of God's followers will be poofed up into heaven. Oh, and they'll all be naked. People who don't believe in God will be left on earth to suffer. Also, Christains who don't believe in the Rapture will suffer too (this includes Mormons, Roman Catholics and most Protestants.) There is a good and a a bad side to Christianity, see