| - The Singing Stones is a Silver Reward Scroll challenge located behind the second village, the Aztec one. It's near the beach, beside a circle of stones. This challenge becomes avaliable after opening the huge gates, although you can place the stones and solve it in the good way before that (you just won't see any silver scroll). You will get the good reward, at least in the unpatched version. The objective of this challenge, as stated by the hippie, is to locate the true Singing Stones and have them play in a scale.
| - The Singing Stones is a Silver Reward Scroll challenge located behind the second village, the Aztec one. It's near the beach, beside a circle of stones. This challenge becomes avaliable after opening the huge gates, although you can place the stones and solve it in the good way before that (you just won't see any silver scroll). You will get the good reward, at least in the unpatched version. The objective of this challenge, as stated by the hippie, is to locate the true Singing Stones and have them play in a scale. There are many singing stones on this land, but only 8 of these are real: the ones there are already placed in the circle and can't be moved and five more which are spread through Land 1. Fake stones won't make the sound of a musical note when tapped. The real stones are located at the following places: 1.
* Near the circle of stones, where the puzzle starts. 2.
* At the beach where The Savior quest can be found, there's a small river. Following it leads to a mountain. The gatestone will be there. 3.
* At the forest where the lost brother was, near his campfire and some mushrooms. 4.
* At the Old Hermit's Quarry, close to where the stone for the sculptor's quest was. 5.
* Near the norse village graveyard.