| - As much as a few angry Kirby fans were rooting against Jill Valentine in this match, it was one of those bouts that was barely in question from the start. If Kirby couldn't take down Valentine, it's a stretch to think that Bomberman would be able to outdo Kirby's performance and pull of the stunning upset. Besides, Jill Valentine HAS TEH HOT TEE JAY EFF!1!!! The surprising thing about this match is the horrid prediction percentage. More people has Scorpion winning his four pack than Jill winning hers, despite the fact that the only real competition to Valentine in her particular four pack was Kirby himself. After getting past Kirby, Bomberman was little more than a free ride to a maiming at the hands of Link. Still, the impression that Valentine made on the 2002 contest was set in stone. Because of her two "surprising" victories (don't know how a 3 seed's wins could be surprising, but that's a different story), Valentine's slot in this contest has pretty much been etched in for life. CJayC loves leaving characters in these contests after they pull surprises, after all. • Previous Match • Next Match