| - Beaucephalis, also known as Beau, is the Dragon of Legend and distantly related to the first Dragon of Legend who stopped the original Dragon-Human War. He is the last and only gold Star-class dragon, and as a result is of pure gold draconium. His father is Cephyiss and his mother is Oryon; nothing else is revealed about Beau's parents in the series, although he was meant to have 4 other brothers/sisters. Beau's parents are commonly mistaken for being of Gold draconium, resulting in Beau's pure Gold status now, but this is not the case.
| - Beaucephalis, also known as Beau, is the Dragon of Legend and distantly related to the first Dragon of Legend who stopped the original Dragon-Human War. He is the last and only gold Star-class dragon, and as a result is of pure gold draconium. His father is Cephyiss and his mother is Oryon; nothing else is revealed about Beau's parents in the series, although he was meant to have 4 other brothers/sisters. Beau's parents are commonly mistaken for being of Gold draconium, resulting in Beau's pure Gold status now, but this is not the case. While as an egg, Beau showed some promise of having gold draconium, it wasn't enough to make him the pure gold dragon he is today. While still an egg, Word Paynn stole him from his nest and zapped the egg with huge amounts of pure black draconium energy, eventually turning the egg black by the time Connor Penn got it back. With the help of the Dragon Priest Tannis, Connor was able to find the Bone-Marks of the original Energy Booster, Power Booster and Fire Booster dragons. Combining their radiating energy, with the black draconium input Word gave, the colours all balanced out to create the pure gold dragon we see today. When he became of age (16), it was time for him to start racing and it also became necessary for him to choose a human who would be the Dragon Booster. Several advanced racers tried to ride him, but he rejected every one of them - Artha, not quite getting the chance to be tested when Beau decided he wanted Lance's chocolate, and Artha fell off but wasn't rejected, yet everyone else took that as a sign of rejection. But that was about to change when the Dragon Eye Crew tried to steal Beau, burning down Penn Stables and forcing Beau to finally reveal that Artha was the one who was meant to become the next Dragon Booster. Beau disguises himself as a red and blue dragon to protect himself from Word and anyone else who wants the Dragon of Legend for themselves, although it seems that he can change to other colours as well as shown in Episode 29: Framed!. He goes along with what Artha says most of the time, and it has gotten the both of them into trouble, but he also has a great sense of humour. Embarrassing Artha several times, all is well as Beau's and Artha's friendship becomes greater as the series progresses. Toward the end, their bond is very close. Beau is one of the strongest dragons shown in the series, partly because of his pure draconium but also because of his close bond with Artha.