| - Narrator: Earlier one morning, all is quiet down at the city marina. Narrator: Well, maybe not SO quiet… WordGirl: Alright, Energy Monster-- time for a little WordGirl super-strength! Narrator: Another authentic WordGirl victory! WordGirl: Nothing like saving the city before breakfast! What time is it? Narrator: Um, seven fifty-seven. WordGirl: (gasp) Seven fifty-seven? I’m almost late for school! WordGirl: That’s strange… why is everyone outside on the field instead of in the classroom? (A flash of realization) Oh, yeah! Today is field day! WordGirl: Oh, field day is an all-day outdoor competition where we have fun races and contests-- I CAN”T WAIT! Becky: Hey you two, excited about the big competition? Scoops: Sure am! Although I’m excited about pretty much everything. Violet: I just picked this competition. It smells pretty! Becky: Oh no, that’s a chrysanthemum, a type of flower. A competition is a contest or a game between rivals. Violet: Oh, good to know. Becky: Morning, Tobey. Cause any destruction lately? Tobey: Why, Becky Botsford, whatever do you mean? Scoops: I think she’s referring to your habit of building robots that destroy things and create chaos in the city. Tobey: Thank you, ace reporter. Tobey: What’s all this hoopla? Scoops: It’s field day! Violet: An all-day outdoor chrysanthemum! Becky: I think you mean competition. Tobey: Oh, boo. I was looking forward to spending the day in a chair. You mean I’ll be forced to run around and act all… silly? Becky: Some people call that playing and having fun! Ms. Ripley: Hello, children of Woodview Elementary! For those of you who don’t know me, I am Mrs. Ripley, I teach a certain special class here at Woodview. Some of you call it gym, others might call it physical education, or P.E. when you’re in a hurry. But I call it an awesome time! Yeah! Now, it is my pleasure to welcome you to field day! Are you ready to have fun? Ms. Ripley: Are you ready to win prizes? Ms. Ripley: Are you ready to exercise in the spirit of healthy competition with the goal of raising class unity and generating a cohesive community built on trusting ourselves and respect for others? Scoops:: Yeah! Ms. Ripley: Well then, I say, let’s get this party started! But first, I’d like to announce the grand prize. The student who earns the most points at the end of the day will win-- THIS! Authentic, super-deluxe teacher-only magic markers! Woo! Becky: (sighs) Only the teachers get those! Think of all the beautiful words I could write! Tobey: That’s the prize? You expect me to slave away in the direct sunlight to win some magical ink pens? (raises his hand) Mrs. Ripley? I- I’m afraid I’m unable to participate in your day of silly games. Ms. Ripley: Unable to participate? What’s the matter? Tobey: Uh… side ache. Yes, oh, my side. It aches. Ms. Ripley: Ohhh, I’m so sorry! Go to the nurse’s office immediately! Becky: What’s the matter, Tobey? Afraid you won’t win? Tobey: What? O- Of course I can win if I wanted to, I just don’t want to. Scoops: It’s okay if you don’t win, you know. I’m just looking forward to having a good time with my friends. Violet: Yeah, don’t be afraid. Just playing the games is fun. Becky: I’m in it for the markers. Tobey: Well, thank you all for sharing! Now before I go, let me assure you I am stronger, faster, and just generally better than all of you. I have the agility of a cougar and the strength of a lion, goodbye. Tobey: Fine. I’ll take part in the competition, but mark my words, I’m going to win those markers, not because I want them, but to show you that I, Tobey, am a winner! Ha-ha-ha-ha! And-- I’ll be right back. Ms. Ripley: It’s time for the first event… the potato sack race! Becky: Hey, where’s Tobey? Scoops: Hmm, no idea. Becky: There you are, we almost started without you. Robo-Tobey: Prepare to lose. Becky: Sure, whatever you say, Tobey. Ms. Ripley: And with a side ache! Now you’ve got that field day spirit! Can I get a whoop-whoop? Robo-Tobey: As expected, I am victorious, yay. Becky: Whoa! How did you do that? Robo-Tobey: Prepare to lose. Becky: Hmm. Tobey’s voice doesn’t sound authentic. Ms. Ripley: The next event is the flag star hang! Ooo-e, I love this event! Each of you gets to hold your chin above the bar for as long as you can. Scoops: Okay, Scoops: Oh… should have removed… backpack! Ms. Ripley: Three seconds! Violet: Ah, pretty! Ms. Ripley: Two point five seconds! Ms. Ripley: Well, you really stuck that landing, Bob! One second! (Bob walks off sadly.) Narrator: You know, WordGirl has super-strength. She could probably hold on for a long time! Becky: Tell me about it… I want to use my super-powers so badly! But that would be cheating. Ugh! Ms. Ripley: One minute! Our new leader is-- Becky Botsford! Becky: Not bad, not bad. Playing fair! Ms. Ripley: Next up… our current overall leader, Tobey McCallister the Third! Robo-Tobey: Prepare to lose. Becky: Why do you keep saying that? Ms. Ripley: Five minutes, and still goin’ strong! Ms. Ripley: Thirty minutes! Unbelievable! Ms. Ripley: One hour! Okay Tobey, nobody likes a show-off. I think it’s clear you’re the winner. Robo-Tobey: As expect, I am victorious. Yay. Becky: Something’s going on here. Tobey isn’t acting like himself. He doesn’t seem authentic! Becky: Oh. If something is authentic, it means it’s real and exactly what it claims to be. For example, Tobey’s authentic voice sounds like (imitating Tobey) “I’m Tobey, I love robots.” But all of a sudden, his voice sounds… different. Fake, even. I think it’s time for you to investigate and find out if Tobey is up to something! Got to win those markers! Ms. Ripley: Going into the final event, Tobey and Becky are tied for the lead! With ninety-five points each! Scoops: Wow, how did Becky tie it up? Violet: Don’t you remember? Becky won the swimming race after Tobey refused to jump in the water. Scoops: Oh! Ms. Ripley: So, it all comes down to this! The tug… of… WAR! Ms. Ripley: Ready… set… Becky: Got to win those markers… Ms. Ripley: TUG! Tobey: Alright, my little Robo-Tobey, almost done with the competition, soon everyone will know that I am a winner! Tobey: Got to keep it believable, make them think you’re the authentic Tobey! Narrator: (whispering) Still could use your super-strength. Becky: I’m-- not-- a cheater! Becky: Not now, Bob! I have to stay focused on the competition! Bob, you’re shaking the rope! I can’t hold on! Ms. Ripley: Tobey wins the tug of war! And, the grand PRIZE! Robo-Tobey: As expected-- Becky: --You were victorious! Robo-Tobey: Yay. Becky: (gasps) Good detective work, Bob! I think it might be time for WordGirl to pay Tobey a little visit. Ms. Ripley: And now, it is with great pleasure that I present to Tobey McCallister the grand prize! Tobey: I just want to say to all of the people who doubted me… I WIN! Because I’m better than all of you! At winning! Ha-ha! Fools! Fools! WordGirl: Not so fast there, Tobey! Tobey: Why, WordGirl! What a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here? WordGirl: I just happened to be flying by the neighborhood, searching for crime to fight… yeah. Tobey: Hmm. Too bad you weren’t here a few minutes ago. You missed my spectacular performance. See? (holds up the markers) I won the grand prize! WordGirl: Tell me, Tobey, was your victory today authentic, or did you cheat during the competition? Ms. Ripley: WordGirl! Tobey: Why, that’s absurd! Of course I didn’t cheat. WordGirl: Then how do you explain your sudden athletic ability? Tobey: Vitamins. WordGirl: What if I said you used a robot-- a robot that looks just like you? Robo-Tobey: Prepare to lose. WordGirl: Prepare to lose is right, Tobey! Since Tobey cheated, these magic markers belong to whoever finished second in the competition. Tobey: I’ve been embarrassed once today, WordGirl, and it’s not going to happen again! Narrator: Gonna use your super-strength this time? It’s not cheating! WordGirl: Oh, you know it! Robo-Tobey: Unexpected result. Not victorious. Ms. Ripley: Young man! Your performance in today’s competition was not authentic! You cheated! Which means you are disqualified! Therefore, the winner of field day is-- Becky Botsford! WordGirl: I’ll be sure Becky gets her grand prize markers. In fact, I’ll deliver them to her personally! Ms. Ripley: (to Tobey) And as for you… Tobey: Yes? Ms. Ripley: I think we’ll be telling your mother about your behavior today! Tobey: No-- please-- I’ll do whatever you want! Fifty push-ups! One hundred squat-thrusts! Just don’t tell mother! Narrator: And so, WordGirl saves the day yet again, while Becky Botsford earns her prize as the winner of the competition! Join us next time for more authentic fun and excitement on-- WordGirl!