| - Sigma Star Industries was a starship dealing corporation, primarly involved in auctioning off used starships. Based on Nar Shaddaa, the corporation was led collectively by Greiko Lornan and Fianar Sukhoi Reanus. Sigma survived the defeat of the Movement, but it would rapidly decline under Greiko, until it finally closed shop.
- Sigma Star Industries was a starship dealing corporation, primarly involved in auctioning off used starships. Based on Nar Shaddaa, the corporation was led collectively by Greiko Lornan and Fianar Sukhoi Reanus. Sigma survived the defeat of the Movement, but it would rapidly decline under Greiko, until it finally closed shop. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.
| - Sigma Star Industries was a starship dealing corporation, primarly involved in auctioning off used starships. Based on Nar Shaddaa, the corporation was led collectively by Greiko Lornan and Fianar Sukhoi Reanus. In truth, Sigma Star Industries was the public face of the Neo-Imperial Movement. After the Mutiny Aboard the Truth and Reconciliation, the Neo-Imperial Movement was split between Danik Kreldin and Fianar, and their opposition, Greiko. Greiko took complete control over Sigma, and the two parties fought each other, culminating in the Assault on Sigma Star Industries and the Trap on Etti IV. Sigma survived the defeat of the Movement, but it would rapidly decline under Greiko, until it finally closed shop. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.
- Sigma Star Industries was a starship dealing corporation, primarly involved in auctioning off used starships. Based on Nar Shaddaa, the corporation was led collectively by Greiko Lornan and Fianar Sukhoi Reanus. In truth, Sigma Star Industries was the public face of the Neo-Imperial Movement. After the Mutiny Aboard the Truth and Reconciliation, the Neo-Imperial Movement was split between Danik Kreldin and Fianar, and their opposition, Greiko. Greiko took complete control over Sigma, and the two parties fought each other, culminating in the Assault on Sigma Star Industries and the Trap on Etti IV. Sigma survived the defeat of the Movement, but it would rapidly decline under Greiko, until it finally closed shop.