| - Scout Crossing is a weekly webcomic chronicling the adventures of the eponymous hero and his battle against evil scenesters. Find it here (first comic here).
* Anti-Hero: Scout is a Type 1. Although he used to be somewhat of a local legend, he is now a bit of a pathetic layabout.
* Art Evolution: Every strip is a little better, it seems.
* Battle Couple: In the 12 page mini comic, Scout and Penny are shown to have been this before Scout's Heroic BSOD.
* Berserk Button: Boyd Pizzly almost killed Penny, and Scout attacked him
* Blond Guys Are Evil: So far both villians, Laylor Tinsey and Boyd Pizzly are blond, while scout has dark hair. Of course, being Scene kids, their hair might not be natural.
* British Accents: The "New Readers" page explains that Lizzy Bell is Bri
| - Scout Crossing is a weekly webcomic chronicling the adventures of the eponymous hero and his battle against evil scenesters. Find it here (first comic here).
* Anti-Hero: Scout is a Type 1. Although he used to be somewhat of a local legend, he is now a bit of a pathetic layabout.
* Art Evolution: Every strip is a little better, it seems.
* Battle Couple: In the 12 page mini comic, Scout and Penny are shown to have been this before Scout's Heroic BSOD.
* Berserk Button: Boyd Pizzly almost killed Penny, and Scout attacked him
* Blond Guys Are Evil: So far both villians, Laylor Tinsey and Boyd Pizzly are blond, while scout has dark hair. Of course, being Scene kids, their hair might not be natural.
* British Accents: The "New Readers" page explains that Lizzy Bell is British. Nothing more, just British.
* Evilly Affable: Boyd Pizzly
* Evil Gloating: Taylor and Boyd are ridiculously guilty of this.
* Flash Back: Happens to Scout when he gets into a fight with Finn, and details how his brother, Chance was killed, and why Finn is blind. It also reveals quite a lot of the story elements, such as what exactly the 'sleeve' tattoos are.
* Heroic BSOD: It is implied that Scout had one of these after his older brothers death.
* Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Penny Smashworthy
* Say It with Hearts: Sparticus.
* Sissy Villain: The vaguely effeminate, physically pathetic, always fashionable Laylor Tinsey.
* And the covers playing, sunglasses wearing Boyd Pizzly hasn't been that intimidating either
* Sunglasses At Night: Boyd Pizzly
* The Fighting Narcissist: Laylor Tinsey has strong shades of this.
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Penny Smashworthy