The Checklist is a list of objectives appearing in Kirby Air Ride and Kirby Mass Attack.
NOTE: Once the rest of the shop pages have been updated with pictures, i can start the process of completing the checklist!
Some other checklists may also be found in the category.
Die Checklist gibt es nur in Kirby Air Ride. Es gibt sie in drei Farben/zu drei Modi; gelb, grün und rot.
* Rot steht für den Modus Air Ride.
* Gelb steht für den Modus Top Ride.
* Grün steht für den Modus City Trial. Beim Vervollständigen der kompletten Liste wird das Feld "Credits" freigeschalten.
Checklists can be added to Dailies and To-Dos. Checklists allow players to subdivide large tasks into smaller steps or combine several small tasks into a single item. The user can mark the overall item containing the checklist (the "main item") as completed without ticking any of the checklist items, and ticking all checklist items does not automatically complete the main item.