| - July 21st, 2557 NYC Underground Prison, Earth "Doctor Halsey, tell me about the children?" the Interrogator said. After being silent for nearly ten minutes, Halsey took in a deep breath and said. "You already know everything." She answered. "You-, You kidnapped, why." He asked. "Because children's minds are easily to in doctrine, more adaptable to the augmentations, Doctor Halsey said, the result was the ultimate super-soldiers, and because of our success, when the Covenant invaded human space, we were ready." It now shows Master Chief sitting on a weapons crate, with his head down.
| - July 21st, 2557 NYC Underground Prison, Earth "Doctor Halsey, tell me about the children?" the Interrogator said. After being silent for nearly ten minutes, Halsey took in a deep breath and said. "You already know everything." She answered. "You-, You kidnapped, why." He asked. "Because children's minds are easily to in doctrine, more adaptable to the augmentations, Doctor Halsey said, the result was the ultimate super-soldiers, and because of our success, when the Covenant invaded human space, we were ready." Then it shows a CAS-class assault carrier taking position over Elysium City and disgorging it's fighters. "Halsey you are bending history for your own favor, the Spartan-Twos were trained to crush the Insurrectionists, not the Covenant." the Interrogator yelled. It then shows Banshees strafing the locals, a civilian tries to run from the carnage but only to be killed by a Elite with a energy sword. Then Spartans wearing MJOLNIR Mark IV Power armor drops out of a Pelican drop-ship and uses jetpacks to slow their descent, as soon as they land the Elites leading Siege roars in anger. The Spartans engage the Covenant forces, Elites return fire with Plasma Rifles and Repeaters. "When one human colony fell after another, Halsey continued, when my Spartans were all that stood between humanity and extinction." It now shows Master Chief sitting on a weapons crate, with his head down. "Do you think the Twos lack of basic humanity helped em out, because almost all of them save for Kurt-051, Ralph-103, and Daisy-023 don't socialize." He continued. "My Spartans were always good at what they do, regardless of that issue, She explained, I supplied them with the resources to maintain that efficiency." Then it shows Chief and Cortana meeting for the first time. "And what about their families and friends, did they take the news well, when the Two's origins were revealed five months after the war ended." He pointed out. "Your someone else, because those before you were ONI." Halsey said. "Do you think the Master Chief's succeeded because he was broken." The Interrogator said. "What does John have to do with this, you-, you want to replace them." She said. "No, he is dead or stranded because of you, you toke my niece's crush away from her." He yelled. "Wait, your niece, I'm so sorry, if I knew it, Halsey said, I would've asked her to come with me, what's her name?" "Parisa Hill." He said. "Your the new chairman, Logan Hill." She said. "Spartans never die." He said.