| - I know what they say, but is this the way it was meant to be? This guy was an assasin, so he deserved it, but it feels just... wrong. What if he had children, or his parents still cared for him, wold making them sad be something a hero would do? My father has done this many times, he is an hero, but is, somehow, an evil person too. May Saradomin forgive me and let me choose the right path, but I think my path is clear now, this kind of people never thought like this, they just killed someone else! I'm going to stop this, even if I have to feel guilty like now again.
| - I know what they say, but is this the way it was meant to be? This guy was an assasin, so he deserved it, but it feels just... wrong. What if he had children, or his parents still cared for him, wold making them sad be something a hero would do? My father has done this many times, he is an hero, but is, somehow, an evil person too. Why did I accept doing this anyway? I don't need to be a hero, I don't need a weird sword, I don't need to serve a magical queen, my father wants me to continue his legacy, but what kind of legacy? Killing people for the sake of someone? Participating in wars, burning houses, making slaughters just to eliminate those deemed "evil"? I get the feeling this is the wrong path. Anyway, that woman said it was my destiny, this guy... had no remorse on taking any life, in fact, he attacked me first! Maybe I can justify myself saying this was a matter of own defense, but that would be a lie! I had already broken is weapon, and then I stabbed his heart. May Saradomin forgive me and let me choose the right path, but I think my path is clear now, this kind of people never thought like this, they just killed someone else! I'm going to stop this, even if I have to feel guilty like now again.