| - The name Jebel al-Madbah means mountain of the altar, and is well deserved since its summit is covered in rock-excavated ceremonial structures reached by a rock staircase. The French historian noted that the peak "consists of a vast rectangular esplanade hollowed out in such a way that the sides formed benches; in the middle of one long side, a natural podium (motab) was set aside for placing the gods’ sacred stones. Another section was reserved for the altar. Cisterns, fed by rainwater, were used for ablutions and cleaning. Beneath this, two gigantic obelisks, carved out of the rocky mass, appear as sacred stones."
| - The name Jebel al-Madbah means mountain of the altar, and is well deserved since its summit is covered in rock-excavated ceremonial structures reached by a rock staircase. The French historian noted that the peak "consists of a vast rectangular esplanade hollowed out in such a way that the sides formed benches; in the middle of one long side, a natural podium (motab) was set aside for placing the gods’ sacred stones. Another section was reserved for the altar. Cisterns, fed by rainwater, were used for ablutions and cleaning. Beneath this, two gigantic obelisks, carved out of the rocky mass, appear as sacred stones." The mountain is over a thousand metres high, but a rock staircase winds its way from the top down to the valley below; the valley in which Petra resides is known as the Wadi Musa, meaning valley of Moses. At the entrance to the Siq is the Ain Musa, meaning spring of Moses; the 13th-century Arab chronicler Numairi stated that Ain Musa was Meribah, the location where Moses had brought water from the ground, by striking it with his rod.