| - ~ Blue Sea, Grand Line ~ Shiro's Mother: "This is very odd... To think that there's an island that has no one around..." Shiro's Father: "Indeed. However, look up there," Shiro's father points to the highest point of the island that has a Marine base there. "I've seen that design before. I believe it's for these people called Marines. They're the ones that keep order down here in the blue seas. Perhaps we should pay them a visit and ask for directions?" Shiro's Mother: "Isn't it just a little odd that there has been no one in sight since we've docked? Not even a critter in sight. I don't think this island is inhabited anymore." Shiro's Father: "Nonsense. Maybe there are some people here that are in need of some help. Who knows? If there are people here, perhaps we could help them, eh? Hahahaha" Shiro's Mother: "Wait. I hear something," in the distance, faint footsteps were heard. "It sounds like there's three people here." [Rear Admiral, Youn, 21] [Commodore, Fyito III, 40] [Captain, Utoa, 10] Utoa: "Mission complete, total wipe-out of island accomplished." Fyito: "Gehahahaha, look at you. A little scamp keeping such proficiency on our mission. You'd make a fine Marine when you grow up." Youn: "Hm. I was sure that we wiped everyone out. However, you don't look like normal humans. What are you?" Shiro's Mother {in a whisper}: "W-we need to leave. Now." Shiro's Father {in a whisper}: "What's wrong, sweetie?" Shiro's Mother {in a whisper, glancing toward Youn}: "T-that man with the r-red hair... He's... Not safe..." Youn: "Hm. You seem frightened, are you alright? You're sweating," Youn cups her face, but is soon punched in the face by Shiro's Father. Fyito & Utoa: "Youn!" Shiro's Father: "Don't you DARE touch my wife." Youn: "You're pretty gutsy to try to land a blow on me. You're stronger than a regular human, however. You'll make a wonderful sparring partner." Youn: "Hm? Is that it? Perhaps you're just all-talk. I expected more." Youn: "Hm, we can't have that, now can we? *sigh* I suppose I gotta go give chase," Youn started stepping, but Shiro's Father grabbed Youn's leg. Shiro's Father: "I-I can't let you ha-harm my family..." Youn: "Utoa, you have my permission to exterminate him. I don't think we'll be needing him alive anymore," and with that, Utoa took aim at Shiro's Father's head. ~ Outside the Marine Base ~ Shiro: "Mom? What's wrong? Father said we have to escape." Shiro: "M-Mom...?" Shiro's Mother kneeled down to about eye level with Shiro and gave him a big hug. Then, she released Shiro, and smiled. Shiro's Mother: "Shiro, it's no use. We can't escape them. They'll catch us before we could even get near the boat... I'm going back, and turning myself in so that your life will be spared." ~ Destroyed Marine Base ~ ... Shiro... Shiro... Shiro... Shiro, wake up. Youn: "Ah, so you finally woke up. I was wondering how long it'd take us to wake you," Youn said with a smile on his face. Youn: "Oh? What's with that face? You should be grateful you're still alive. Your mother came in here, begging for you to live in return for her life. Now, what was I supposed to do? I was ordered to kill everyone here. However, your species isn't something that we come by often within our little world. So, I took her offer. Your parents are no more. We killed them," And with that, Shiro lost himself to anger, and went straight toward Youn, but Fyito III stopped him from doing anything. Youn: "I can understand how you feel, but, it is what it is. Your parent's are gone. Meaning that I am your caretaker now. You'll do as I say, you understand? I can make you into a powerful force to be reckoned with," Youn said in his usual devious smile. Shiro started calming down, knowing there was nothing else he could do. He accepted Youn's offer, much to Youn's amusement, and started planning his revenge.