| - Lemming Juice heard rumors that a rare outdoor world boss had spawned in the Wetlands. Our recruiting efforts earlier this months have been *very* successfull netting us a level 10 priest and a 14 mage (yay!) so I decided we should test our mettle against this savage beast. I issued our rallying cry on Guild Chat, "Feed The Lemmings"! After a lengthy discussion about our favorite pie, I eventually brought the discussion around to the world boss. We decided that the he may drop some pies, so we had plenty of volunteers to go conquer this creature. Lemmings from all across the realm started asking guards for flight paths, some bought cheese, bread and milk to go with the pie drop that we had now decided was inevittable. Eventually, we all eagerly met up in Booty Bay. After much expert tra
| - Lemming Juice heard rumors that a rare outdoor world boss had spawned in the Wetlands. Our recruiting efforts earlier this months have been *very* successfull netting us a level 10 priest and a 14 mage (yay!) so I decided we should test our mettle against this savage beast. I issued our rallying cry on Guild Chat, "Feed The Lemmings"! After a lengthy discussion about our favorite pie, I eventually brought the discussion around to the world boss. We decided that the he may drop some pies, so we had plenty of volunteers to go conquer this creature. Lemmings from all across the realm started asking guards for flight paths, some bought cheese, bread and milk to go with the pie drop that we had now decided was inevittable. Eventually, we all eagerly met up in Booty Bay. After much expert tracking by our hunters, we determined we should have made that left in Darkshire after all. Several hours later, our numbers starting to dwindle, members dropping from fatigue (and to do laundry) some of us managed to finally reach Menethil Harbor for a much needed respite. We lost another two Dwarves who drank so much that their screens went black, but the rest of us bravely ventured forth. The pie would taste even sweeter after all we had endured. We finally found ourselves facing the creature... and it was hideous. My palms were sweaty with anticipation. Image:Attempt1.gif We can see Kopfjagger sitting astride his mount on top of the hill, so we start preparing the raid group while hiding behind this tree Now I know that we joke about being noobs and all, but we're actually quite proficient and experienced. Almost all of our members have taken down Princess the Pig and some have even defeated the Messenger in Westfall. Yeah, that's right! The Messenger! (Makes a mental note to contribute to the _Success of Earthen Ring Guilds in Raiding_ topic) We've seen some ugly mosters, but this was the most horribly evil... and BIG... did I mention it's HUGE ... monster we had ever faced. Yes, there stood Kopfjagger in all his evil glory, sitting astride an equally terrible mount. This pie was gonna be good! Lemmings were gonna feast tonight! He didn't seem to notice us yet, so we hid behind a tree and started organizing the raid for the fight. Now I know that everyone has "their own" tactics for taking down these epic world bosses, but we maximize everyone's skillset and playing style for optimal performance. As mostly business professionals and parents, we excell at planning our strategies. (Not to brag, but Call of the Wild may wanna take notes here) Our priest tanks were ready with mages wielding linen bandages for dedicated healing. Our warriors had plenty of mana pots and our paladins prepared themselves to run around in circles yelling, "The Light! The light has abandoned me!" in order to confuse our prey while our hunters feign death and the warlocks enter melee combat to finish the job. I admit, on the first pull we were rushing a little bit because we were sure that KoTK and TH had heard about the boss being up too, and we wanted to get our attempt in before they showed up. We never saw the cow wander up behind our druid who had been assigned the task of dancing in moonkin form. Of course the wipe was over with quickly, I mean who can handle adds like *that* while taking on a world boss? Our spirits slightly down, but with a grim determination borne of hunger for pie, we started rezzing (yes, of course we use soulstones. The noob thing is just an act.) So the warriors pop up and start to rez everyone, but thier mana was low so we decide to just make the run back. After a... slight delay... in Booty Bay (Left... left in Darkshire!), we started popping back up for another attempt. Image:Attempt2.gif This time we decide to hide behind this fallen tree We were just getting our last priest up when it happened. (We decided to set up behind a fallen tree this time). Someone must have gotten too close and drew agro from Kopfjagger who then wandered right into the middle of the raid making wierd gestures at us with a... it was a... Tree limb... yeah... a really BIG tree limb that must have held unspeakable evil power. We scattered in panic while our priest kept spamming /hugs on Kopfjagger trying to get agro. I started running and my daughter chose that exact moment to show me how far she can cram a crayon up her nose while singing "I like to Move it Move it"! (I take pictures of these moments in preperation for when she starts dating). By the time I put the camera away and looked up, I had run off the cliff and what was left of the raid followed me over in rapid succession. The bodies of lemmings were scattered across the shoreline at the base of the drop off. My stomach grumbled. Image:Gloat.gif This day may belong to Kopfjagger, but some day... some day we *will* have pie!!