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- A pirate can claim one free portrait from the 'Get yer portrait painted' Mission. Additionally, portraits may be awarded to the winners of scheduled puzzle competitions. Portraits can be displayed in pirate info pages or viewed in player galleries.
- Image:WP favicon.PNG Portrait on Wikipedia
- [[Category:]] Portrait was a basic alteration spell used to capture a scene perfectly within another item. This spell was created by the famed wizard Darsson Spellmaker.
- Portrait of a blonde woman.
- The portrait is the nude painting of the Princess by Mart Bennard. The portrait falls into Dhorn hands and becomes the focus of the Portrait quest.
- Portraits are aesthetic display images used by players to show their accomplishments. Portraits can be obtained in a number of ways, ranging from leveling specific characters or playing during a certain holidays. Several portraits have become unobtainable as holiday events have passed by. Much of a player's profile can be accessed by clicking on their portrait. With Heroes of the Storm 2.0, portraits became available via the Collection system. Portraits are earned as normal through progression and achievements, with players able to craft additional portraits for File:IconShard.png40 each.
- NWN2 player character portraits are 3D portraits based off the character's head.
- Ein Portrait ist eine künstlerische Darstellung einer Person oder eines Gegenstandes. 2371 verkauft Quark latinumbeschichtete Schreibgeräte, die ein Portrait von Deep Space 9 enthalten, das angeblich von Ermat Zimm stammt. (DS9: )
- The Portrait is an item that was added in Player Appreciation Week 2016. It can be obtained as a reward for defeating any villain. To paint your face in this item, you would need 2 each of any Paint Bucket except Paint Bucket - Varnish. You could use your Wrench to change you (or another player you have drawn)'s emotion and the portrait's title. You could also remove the painting by using 4 Paint Bucket - Varnish.
- In your meeting with Thurgo, he will request for a picture of the sword to be made. Talk to the squire in the White knight's castle ground and he will tell you that Sir Vyvin kept this picture in his cupboard. Go to Sir Vyvin's room and in his cupboard, you will retrieve this portrait. Now go back to Thurgo and present this picture. It's possible to get multiple portraits using the drop trick.
- Portrait is an album by Lynda Carter, released in 1978. Two songs from the record, "Want to Get Beside You" and "Toto", were performed by Carter (in character as Diana Prince) in the season three Wonder Woman episode "Amazon Hot Wax". The inner sleeve included song lyrics, and a limited number of copies included a picture disc. Carter dedicated the album to "my fantasy man Ron Samuels". In 2013, the album was issued on CD for the first time by Wounded Bird Records. The disc added two additional tracks: "Everybody" and "If You Walked Away".
- The Portrait is an item used in the quest The Knight's Sword. It is a portrait of Sir Vyvin's father, holding the Faladian sword which has been passed down by Sir Vyvin's family for generations. This item is also important for the quest, since this is the only picture of the sword, and Thurgo needs it in order to make the right duplicate sword. It is the portrait of the sword that you give to Thurgo.
- A portrait is a representation of a character in Furcadia, usually in the form of a bust image. By default every species in the game has three portraits, one for each gender, Male, Female, and Unspecified. Players may choose to customize their character further by uploading their own art to a Portrait Space or Animated Portrait Space, which are available on the Digomarket. As an added bonus, portrait spaces are For-life items, meaning they do not expire, thus saving your character's name forever!
- Der Wecker klingelt. Einmal. Zweimal. Dreimal. Bastian rührt sich nicht. Irgendwo in seinem Traum mag stellvertretend eine Sirene oder ein Alarm ertönen, aber das juckt ihn nicht. Der Wecker setzt nach fünf Minuten erneut an. Da kommt dann doch etwas Bewegung unter die Bettdecke. Er dreht sich halb zur Seite - ein unmenschlicher Aufwand für diese Kopfschmerzen, die geschwollenen Augen und den noch fehlenden Orientierungssinn -, schaltet den Wecker aus und legt sich wieder hin. Nein, er meldet sich krank. Er kann nicht mal die eine Straße zur Schule rauf laufen. Hat ja keinen Sinn, wenn er sich an den Treppengeländern entlang hangeln muss, um in die Klassenzimmer zu finden.
- The portrait is a small, circular picture of a creature's head. Additional notes:
* The character's name and current Health and Mana bars (Energy or Rage bars if rogue,warrior, or Bear Form; Runic Power if Death Knight) appear to the right of their portrait.
* A small circular Level indicator appears at the bottom-left of the portrait (shows "zzz" if Resting).
* If your PvP Flag is on, it will appear above the Level indicator.
* You should always see your character's portrait at the top-left of the screen.
* Your character's portrait usually matches whatever your character is wearing.
* A smaller portrait of the character's pet will appear below the character's portrait with name, attribute bars and mood icon to the right, but no level indicator.
* The portra
- Portraits are paintings made of certain individuals, namely witches and warlocks. The subject of a magical portrait is sentient due to enchantments placed on the portrait by the painter. The portrait will be able to use some of the subject's favourite phrases and imitate their general demeanour based on how the subject appears to the painter; however, they are limited in what they can say or do. A portrait can also move from portrait to portrait, or else visit a portrait of them elsewhere in the world.
- The portrait is a small, circular picture of a creature's head. Additional notes:
* The character's name and current Health and Mana bars (Energy or Rage bars if Rogue, Warrior, Cat Form or Bear Form; Runic Power if Death Knight) appear to the right of their portrait.)
* Additional Resources, such as Holy Power, Soul Shards, Runes, Lunar and Solar Power, and Chakra appear under the resource bar depending on the class.
* A small circular Level indicator appears at the bottom-left of the portrait (shows "zzz" if Resting).
* If your PvP Flag is on, it will appear above the Level indicator.
* You should always see your character's portrait at the top-left of the screen.
* Your character's portrait usually matches whatever your character is wearing.
* A smaller port