| - Dawn was breaking as the sun rose into the scarlet skies of Soul Society, shining a newly borne light upon the spiritual dimension. As the darkness faded and gave way to a new day, the Kaburagi Household seemed to be re-adjusting to face the fact that a certain person had completely left their lives…word here being "seemed". Tossing and turning in their bed, Aoi and Momoiro Amagase clutched each other's small hands, as Momoiro's mind ran amok; witnessing a vision of something…or someone. "Ungh…" Taking no heed of something so ominous, she gently let go of Aoi, before hopping out of bed and standing to her feet, waltzing downstairs. As the young girl trudged down the stairs, she noticed a familiar figure who projected a maternal air around them. They were androgynous, effeminate, and slender person, whose features were almost completely feminine in appearance; possessing has wide hips and long legs. Their blonde-colored hair was worn in a bun which spiked up slightly at the top, gently flowing out to the left side, with several strands of hair sticking out at the sides of the bun as sort of waves. They wore a Lycrois flower on the right side of their hair. Turning around, their emerald and crimson eyes shone at Momoiro, who noticed the dark bags under their eyes. "Uhm, Yuuki…You're okay, right?" Momoiro gently questioned. "…I-I'm fine. I…I just haven't slept these past few days is all. Don't worry about me, please." His voice was sure as hell shaky; Momoiro, for that moment, felt as if she should force Yuuki to rest and attempt, and inevitably fail in looking after him until he got better. Noticing the absolute mess Yuuki had made of the kitchen, the young girl sighed, before hopping off the last step and approaching Yuuki, gripping his hand tightly, questioning, "…No, it's not good for you! You really need some rest." Dragging Yuuki Kaburagi from the kitchen to the lounge, Momoiro found a wet washer, placing it over Yuuki's forehead. "Now, just stay put, okay? Don't think about getting up—you need rest, got it?" Yuuki spat in annoyance, "Damn children, telling me what to do…" before complying, remaining as Momoiro told him to as Momoiro began to tend to the kitchen; noticing that Yuuki was cooking something resembling bacon and eggs, but since it was so botched it was difficult to tell…what it was. Realizing that she would need help, she called out, "Mom! Aoi! Can I get a little help here before we all burn?!" As if a fire was lit under his butt, Rika ran down the stairs so fast he may as well have flown. Despite the rush, his beauty, like Gai's, was never marred, though his hair seemed somewhat frayed. "W-what's wrong sweetie?" He asked, panting as if he'd run across the planet. "Are you blind? There's a goddamn fire!" Covering her mouth, Momoiro whispered, "Egh...Sorry, mum." Pointing to the slight blaze with a look of fear affixed upon her face, she continued, "...Darnit, I can't reach it!" She hopped up and down, as if doing exersizes. "...Hurry, hurry! Fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it!" Rika ran over to the fire extinguisher case. Strangely, it was labeled: "In case of glass, break Nika." Disregarding that, Rika smashed it and grabbed the extinguisher, spraying the white liquid over the stove fire, putting it out. "Who did that?" Momoiro inched back, pointing to a nearly passed out Yuuki, muttering, "Grandma did it. She hasn't been right these past couple of days, mum." Yuuki hissed, "...Keh! Blame me for everything, don't you!?" Rika walked over to Yuuki, and sat down on the sofa next to him, cradling his "mother's" body in his arms. Like Aoi's hug from a few weeks ago, it was an act of love towards the matriarch of the family, and Rika wanted those feelings to be conveyed to Yuuki in the hopes it would make her feel somewhat better. Yuuki sighed, "Thank you...Just, don't worry about me Rika. I'm fine, honestly..." As she attempted to stand to her feet, Yuuki Kaburagi collapsed. "...Alright, I guess I'm not fine. I...I just don't know what to do anymore." She sighed. Rika picked her up, cradling her bridal-style. "Well, shall we start with simple sleep?" He smiled, and it was very much a "Oujo" smile. Yuuki's lips curled, as she smiled back. "...I honestly don't think I can sleep. I mean, it's been a few weeks since our break up and I can't stop thinking about it. It's as if it's what's all in my head. I just can't stop thinking about it...I just can't stop thinking about it...I..." Momoiro remarked, "...She's like a broken record." "Come on, I have a special method to help you sleep." Rika replied, carrying his mother up the stairs. "It'll be a bit lengthy, but bear with it." As they're voices faded, a new one sounded. "White..." It was Aoi, rubbing her eyes and obviously referring to the liquid-soaked stove. Yuuki made no noise, as Momoiro approached Aoi slowly, in a half-arsed manner; with the effect of being stealthy as a rhino. As she crept closer, she placed her hands over Aoi's eyes, declaring, "Boo! ...Tell me, you didn't expect that?" There was a brief pause. "...Why doesn't that ever work?" "Saw you..." Aoi replied, smiling her strange, ghost-like smile. "Silly Onee-chan..." Momoiro thought to herself, "...Why is it that any time I attempt to be stealthy, it always backfires horribly?" Sighing, she said outloud turning to Kachihi, who had appeared like a goddamn ninja, "Oh, heya dad." Kachihi leant down, tousling the hair of both, inquiring, "Heya. So, what's wrong with Yuuki now?" "Sad..." Aoi replied simply, as if that would tell anybody anything. Of course, her sister would explain more. "Well, you see, Yuuki's been...not right. Ever since Zakura left, she's been...well, all, crazy. Well, crazier than usual. I'm not implying that she's crazy normally, but she's as mad as a hatter...I'm digging myself deeper into a hole, aren't I?" Kachihi nodded, before responding, "...Hm. Maybe she should get a new boyfriend?" Turning to the stairs, Kachihi shouted, "Fumiko, get down here for a moment! I need an opinion." "Bad idea..." Aoi murmured. Or was she insisting? No one would know with her tone of voice. "Maybe whore herself out?" Came Fumiko's voice. He was on the ceiling, upsidedown by his feet. Kachihi applied his palm to his forehead in exasperation. "What does that have to do with the situation at hand!?" Though he murmured to himself, "...Though that doesn't sound like a bad idea." "It's about mum's love troubles. What do you think we should do?" "Leave her to her own devices." Fumiko felt his moth move, and Gunshin's voice came out of it. It was uncomfortable to feel his mouth move without his mind's command. "After she gets over it, she'll probably do what she thinks is best. If suicide is involved, simply stop her. I grow tired of your discussion, since I have to hear it through the child's ears." Kachihi growled, "Well, you're no help, that's fore sure you monster cat." He lightly tapped upon Fumiko's head, inquiring, "Hello? You're there, right?" Momoiro tugged on Kachihi's leg, inquiring, "...It's probably a good idea to leave Yuuki to her own devices." Kachihi remarked, "...Oi, since when did you think you had more authority than me?" Kasumi called out, "Since they were born, you twit." "I'm here." Fumiko replied, wrenching his jaw back under his control. "Damn Gunshin, that was uncomfortable. He and I need to establish some damn ground rules..." "No worrying..." Aoi insisted. Three weeks later, all had seemed to die down, if only by just a little. Yuuki Kaburagi seemed to be smiling again, as she had found another significant other. The breeze whistled through the stationary trees, as Yuuki picked lemons, and not the good ones. "...Kids, get ready. He'll be here in a minute, so look sharp, got it? I don't him to get a bad impression of you all." Kachihi sighed, "...Why do I get the feeling this guy will be an arsehole?" "Because he will be..." Aoi replied simply. "Maybe he'll be perfectly nice and be a good father?" Fumiko said hopefully. "He just better be a good influence..." Rika muttered, sounding dangerous. "...All you can do is cross your fingers. That's all we can do, sadly." Kachihi murmured, as Yuuki's eyes lit up, noticing a figure approach her. He was a tall, handsome man who possessed violet eyes and shoulder-length black hair; with a permanent frozen face. He wore a dark black dress coat with a collar that was longer on the right side. The coat, at the base, seemed to blend into a deep red colour. He had studs in his ears, which were typically thought as being violet as his eyes; or red like rubies. Yuuki dashed up to greet him, clasping his hand. "Oh! You're here! Sorry you caught us at such an unfortunate time. She motioned to the children, mouthing, "Hurry the FUCK up!" They listened to what Yuuki said, and quickly moved forward. "Um...I'm Fumiko Orikasa." Fumiko said, using a simple introduction. "I'm Rika Ichigawa." Rika bowed slightly. The raven-haired man extended his hand with a smile, responding, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both. I'm Kyogi Toushi..." Kachihi remarked, "...That name sounds so forboeding it's not funny." Kyogo responded, "Why, I'm most certainly not evil or abusive or anything like that. Nor do I have plans to harm any of you via isolation and instilling a feeling of hopelessness within your feeble minds, I'm sorry if you think so." Kachihi spat, "Why do you say it like that? It's suspiciously specific!" "He's cute though, you have good taste, Yuuki-san!" Fumiko nudged his mother in the side with his elbow. Aoi pulled on Momoiro's sleeve. It was clear she wanted her sister to introduce them as well. Momoiro tapped on Kyogi's knee, informing him, "This is Aoi. And I'm Momoiro." She was going for the whole 'Weeeeeeeee'reeeeeeee twiiiiiiiiiiinssssssss' thing in synchronization, but Aoi was too quiet for that. Kyogi leant down, patting both of their heads. "It's nice to meet you both." Momoiro, who couldn't keep her mouth shut, continued, "Oh, yeah. Rika is our mommy. Kachihi is the father." Kyogi responded, "Really, well, that's- Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, what the hell?" "It's a rather long story." Fumiko said, chuckling. "Please, come in. If Yuuki-san likes you, that qualifies you to come inside. Right, Yuuki-san?" Yuuki hesitated for a moment. "...Yes, come in." There was a trace of worry in her voice. The moment that Kyogi sat down upon the lounge, Yuuki noted how that was where Zakura used to sit...And where she and Zakura often did it on a regular basis; in front of Aoi and Momoiro, for starters. "...So, you don't mind this?" She questioned her children. "Yeah, he seems perfectly fine." Fumiko said, nodding and smiling. "For now..." Aoi laid her head on her sister's shoulder, closing her eyes. "He doesn't seem to be bad at all, I say he's fine." Rika smiled at Yuuki. "No worries." Yuuki put up a serene smile. "Yes, I think he is too. Though...what I see in his soul is nothing but darkness." Kachihi remarked, "I told you, I bloody told you! He's ominous!" Yuuki gave Kachihi a light *WHAP!* on the cheek, retorting, "Kachihi, don't be rude! Don't judge a book by it's cover, didn't your parents- oh, right. Well, I'm telling you now. Don't judge a book by it's cover. So...yeah." "So, when did you guys meet?" Fumiko decided to strike while the iron was hot. Yuuki, for the life of her, couldn't remember such a thing to save her life. "Uhm...I'm not sure. All I remember is; well, a few weeks ago, I was in a bar and poof, just like that, it happened. I vaguely remember something about waking up in a bed of roses..." Kyogi stood up, placing his hand upon Yuuki's shoulder. "...It's fine. It was a hazy time back then, I remember. All that matters now is we're together, doesn't it?" With that, Yuuki gripped Kyogi's arm tightly, sighing in relief. "...Kuh! What's with this guy?" Kachihi growled. Kasumi, of course, took the time to mock the shit out of him. "...Opedius complex, huh? Never thought it'd be you. ...Oh, wait, I always did, momma's boy." Kachihi snarked at such a put-down, "...Oh, shut up, you." Kasumi continued with a sardonic tone, "...You can never silence the people. La Resistance lives on!" "Kasumi, please behave?" Rika pleaded, sounding desperate. He wanted the well-behaved Kasumi back. "Your memory doesn't seem to be the best, Kyogi." Fumiko chuckled. "But, I guess that happens to everyone at some point." Kyogi scratched his head. "...Hm. I guess that's the case." Yuuki gripped Kyogi's hand tighter. "Uhm, excuse us. I think it's about due time to, ahem, "get acquianted" with each other." With that, Yuuki jumped into Kyogi's arms as the two ascended upstairs. Kasumi remarked, "...You know they're rooting like rabbits, right?" Momoiro responded, "...Why do you use so much alliteration?" Kasumi only replied by poking her lightly on the forehead with a smirk upon his face. Kachihi growled, "...Dammit, we can't do anything about this, right? I wanna knock that smug look off that bastard's face so badly..." "He hasn't even done anything Kachihi..." Fumiko groaned, placing a hand on Kachihi's head. "He will..." Aoi murmured, having moved her head to her sister's lap now. Kachihi snapped, "But he will! It's plasted upon that godforsaken look of his! He's gonna do something!" He gritted his teeth. "Alright, I'm going to go up there and kick his arse, just you watc-" Kasumi gripped Kachihi's arms, murmuring, "Gritz." In an instant, a film of spiritual particles surrounded Kachihi, who snarled, "Dammit, lemme go. I need to-" Kasumi responded, "Just leave it, you idiot. We'll deal with it later. Now's the time to search for information about this guy. I get the same feeling from him you do." Kachihi growled, "...Well, it's a better deal than that Scream Tag." "Okay, what do you want? You've got me here, so spit it out." Kachihi hissed at Kasumi, who kept a wily smirk upon his face as he answered, "We're gonna play Scream Tag." Kachihi growled, "Wait, what the hell? You brought me here to play Tag?" "...Not Tag. Scream Tag." Kasumi answered. "...Alright, I give in." Kachihi sighed, following through. "How the hell do we play 'Scream Tag'?" Kasumi smirked, "All we need to do is wait for the right moment, and then..." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The voice of Yuuki Kaburagi resounded throughout the house. "Who the fuck put itching powder in my panty drawer!?" "You're it." Kasumi chucked, tapping Kachihi on the shoulder before running off. Kachihi's eyes widened in shock as he could've sworn he died. Kachihi hissed, "...Tch, shut up. Let's just go check out the bastard's stuff." "No, sleepy..." Aoi, still with her head on her sister's lap, wrapped her arm around Momoiro's waist and buried her face further into her lap, deciding it was time to sleep. Momoiro tapped Aoi on the head lightly, growling, "No, this isn't the time for sleep, got it? This is..." Kachihi finished, "...Important as hell. So there's no time to waste, understand?" Momoiro asked, "...Hmm. Maybe she'll accept a deal?" Kachihi growled, "...Guh. How about I force Kasumi to bake you nine thousand and one cakes?" Kasumi's eyes widened at such a statement. Momoiro smiled, "...Deal." Kachihi mouthed to Kasumi, 'Better start cooking, Kasumi.' "Lemon..." Aoi murmured, sitting up straight and rubbing her eyes. "Boy isn't that symbolic." Fumiko chuckled. Rika promptly smacked him. Approaching Kyogi's belongings, Kachihi lifted up his laptop, searching through his file, before finding a particular document. "…Alright, according to Kyogi's computer, let's see what we can find about him." The computer lit up, as information began to process right in front of them. "SUBJECT: Masato Nagareboshi has recently undergone Soul Splicing after original host body was destroyed. Subject's soul was retrieved and Soul Spliced into twin androids, newer model Mu-13 and never model V-12. Subject had previously undergone Soul Splicing shortly after conception. Said Splice was used to create Project METEOR subject #17.5, Kachihi Nagareboshi. END OF LOG." "…You know, I was definitely not expecting that." Kasumi murmured. "So...you're like that Mewtwo thing?" Fumiko asked, remember when he had been so young and played that Pokémon craze. As of his last check in the human world, it was still going on. Pokémon were all either rehashed or robots now. Kachihi growled in fury, "…Tch! I don't believe this! I don't fucking believe this! Do you understand what this means!? I'm a goddamn clone!" "…So?" Kasumi bluntly retorted. "SO!? You try living your entire life, thinking you know what the hell's going on, and all of a sudden…" Kachihi began to hyperventilate. Momoiro tugged on Kachihi's jeans leg, inquiring, "Daddy, will you please calm down and take a breather already?" Kachihi brushed Momoiro away, snapping while running upstairs to confront Kyogi, "How the hell can I be calm at a time like this!? I'm nothing but a clone! Probably a toy of that sick bastard ever since I came from a test tube!" "…I bet a few of those pricks had me tied up like a caged animal! How dare you all trick me like this for all these years, keeping me blissfully unaware! It's not for you all to just have me accept that demon in my head and now you're all liars and parasites and…" Kachihi's incoherent screaming resounded throughout the house as he prepared to pick a fight. Kasumi snarked, "…I wonder if he remembers if that guy is far more powerful than he looks." "It's not like we knew." Fumiko snapped pointedly. "Stop acting like it's the end of the world. Besides, idiot, you're scaring your daughter." And it was true. Aoi was huddled away from Kachihi, clutching her mother. She looked fearful, her eyes wide and gazing at him. As Kachihi kicked the door down, he noticed a disturbing sight indeed as Zakura's pet goat ran out of the room, causing him to mutter, "...What the hell?" Backing back before anything could happen, Kachihi ran downstairs. "...Ooooookay." He scratched his head. "...I'm sorry guys, I don't know what took ahold of me, I really don't." He leant down, petting Aoi and Momoiro's heads. "...I promise I won't do anything like that again...yet." "Uwaaaah...." Aoi hugged her father, still frightened but glad he wasn't yelling anymore. "Well, she cries cute." Fumiko chuckled. "So, what to do about that new information of yours? We could go ask Kaito, no one knows more than he does." Kachihi sighed. "...Alright, so we're gonna go see that science guy again, then...?" Kasumi retorted, "...It's scientist. God, are you that dense?" Kachihi didn't respond as he prepared to pack for the trip. "...Tch! Shut it. Let's go." Sitting down upon a chair after the group had left, Kyogi inquired, "...So, you've had any previous lovers?" Yuuki twiddled her fingers, meekly responding, "...Well, before you, there was that...Zakura. He was…rather forceful." She paused, smiling slightly. "Not to mention louder than an air-horn," she continued, her smile lessening. "I can't forget how much he stinks, either," Her smile disappeared. "Zakura Terui is a total idiot of a man, who finds some way to grope me every damn time he gets drunk without fail. And it's not like he obsesses about me because we're in the same bar. I'm never in a bar. I despise getting smashed, I get drunk one night a year because it's the only time I ever get to spend with my closest friends…yes, I have friends, don't ask, and yet that man somehow manages to find me no matter what bar he's in, no matter the time of day, even if we're in different cities, or even dimensions. He's essentially a ungodly cross between a human, a vampire, and a tracking bloodhound. And worst of all—" "...What we did... was pretend love. Zakura and I were only using each other. Zakura was using me to function in this world. And I was content letting myself being use...I'm fine with anyone, I don't care how bad they treat me as long as I can emotionally depend on them. And he was fine with anyone as long as they could protect him." Yuuki paused, "...Also, I had an unrequited love once. I liked his left eye the best, so I kept it." She lifted a water-filled jar from the cupboard with a look of estacy plastered upon her face. "Do you want to see?" Kyogi froze in disgust and horror. "...N-No, I'll be fine..." "Are we there yet?" "No." "Are we there yet?" "No." "Are we there-" "NO! So be quiet!" Kachihi snapped at Momoiro as he, Fumiko, Rika, Kasumi, Aoi and Momoiro travelled to the 12th Division barracks. They got admitted as soon as they arrived, but were told Kaito was in the Department of Research and Development's lab, so they had to make a short detour there. "Master!" Rika called out, making sure to alert him to their presence. "Ah, Rika! I'm in here!" The answering voice of Kaito called back. They followed the voice into one of the lab's more "decorated" construction rooms, and Kaito seemed to be busy working on a Gigai. "What's this?" Rika looked over at the project. "Another Reigai?" "Not this time. A Mod-Soul and her owner came by. She wanted me to make her stronger, so I am working on that right now. She'll be great when I am done. I am using data from even my Mizumizushii Hinagun to ensure the best possible results that I can give for this moment." "Where's the owner?" "He's sitting in the larger room of the lab, impatiently waiting. Another girl came to keep him company." Kachihi growled, "Okay, okay, cool story bro." He waltzed over to Kaito, hoisting the mad scientist up by the shirt. "...A lot of shit has been going on. Project METEOR...Do you know anything about that at all? I don't care for these people; I just wanna know the truth about myself. It feels as if the moment I learned about all this shit, I became hollow-" Kasumi snarked, "...Shut up, Kachihi. Quit yer whining. My race was slaughtered before my eyes and you don't see me writing emo poetry." Kachihi sighed, "...Alright, alright. Sorry. Just tell me what you know." "Project METEOR was a project developed one hundred and thirty years ago, which aimed to produce clones of the legendary hero. The project was sponsored by an anonymous benefactor…I carried it out, Kachihi." Kaito began to explain. "The initial phase of the project involved manipulation of the genes of Masato Nagareboshi's body to create genetically identical clones. An egg was fertilized with Masato's DNA and transferred to the womb of a certain person—if you ask, I won't reveal much there. This success was the result of multiple attempts, with the project only having success after dozens of failures. Of the four embryos created from the fertilized egg, two were forcefully aborted, thus producing twin clones. We worked further so that a singular clone would inherit Masato's power, as we intended to create a genetically superior being, while the other would express his recessive genes, which were considered inferior for the goal of the project." Kachihi clutched his head. "...Wait, what...huh? Dammit, can somebody give me a non-science explanation?" Kasumi remarked, "Well, derr, some guys got together, manipulated the DNA of Masato, fertilized an egg with the DNA and shoved it in somebody. There was four of you. Big words make your head hurt, don't they?" "Kasumi laid it out in layman's terms Kachihi." Kaito told him. "My question is...what does this get you? Now you know, but it doesn't make your own life any less meaningful. You have a family, bizzare as it is, an existence many would die to protect. What did you intend to do once you found any of this out?" "...I have no idea, really. All I know is that I'm only technically related to that idiot because I'm a clone of Masato." He wiped the sweat off his forehead. "...I think I'mma need an aspirin." Kasumi snarked, "...Kaito is right, y'know. So what if you're not what you think you are. Doesn't matter if it's the present or the past... you're you, and who cares if you're not the person you think you are. You're Kachihi Amagase, the person I'm stuck with, and Kachihi Amagase is the one pissing me off. So cheer up. You're making me feel like a moron by association." Kachihi sghed, "...Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Kasumi." "If you don't mind my going off on a tangent...who are the two young children?" Kaito asked, looking interested as he glanced at the twins. "The result of Rika giving birth. Now, you have more ideas for experiments, don'tcha?" Kasumi replied with a smirk on his face. "Now that is truly phenomenal..." Kaito murmured, almost with reverence. "A Reigai giving birth...if one can...perhaps the others ca-" A sandal collided with the man's face, knocking him into a wall. The wielder was a young girl with her blonde-hair up in pigtails, wearing the Twelfth Division's lab coat. "Stop your blubberin' over such a small discovery baldie!" The girl's voice and mannerisms were crass, despite her small and cute demeanor. This was Hiyori Sarugai's Reigai, Lieutenant of the Twelfth Divsion. "And I don't even wanna know where those thoughts were leadin'!" Aoi was surprised by this display of violence. Such a mean lady. "B-Baldie? Who's bald here?" Momoiro glanced around at the group, completely confused. "...I don't get it. That didn't make sense." Kasumi crouched down, placing his arm upon Momoiro's small shoulder, responding, "...It doesn't have to make sense. Remember, nothing make sense. For that matter, warble. That is all." Kaito got up, rubbing his face, debris cluttering off him. "I-I'm sorry Hiyori. I lost myself..." "Don't gimme that crap!" Hiyori snapped, jabbing a finger in his direction. "You were thinkin' of operatin' on us or something even worse, I could tell!" Kaito flashed a small smile, placing a hand on her head. "Your concern is meaningless. All my Reigai are precious to me, I wouldn't be so callous." "D...dumbass..." Hiyori's cheeks reddened slightly at the comment and touch, and she didn't make eye contact, her anger ebbing. Momoiro giggled at such a sight. "...Haha, how cute." Kasumi remarked, "...Anyway, since we've got what we came for, let's skedaddle." Kachihi paused, before asking Kaito, "Wait a moment. Do you know anything about Kyogi Toushi?" "A passing mention." Kaito replied, searching his memory. "His former employ was in my division actually, but he took a leave of absence to get to know his new lover better. He has a decent personality and was a dedicated scientist, I almost didn't let him take the leave." Momoiro poked Kachihi in the knee. "See, what did I tell you? There's nothing to be worried about!" Kachihi scratched his head, "...I still dunno. Like, why did he leave, exactly?" "A simple leave of absence." Kaito explained, beginning to get back to his work now, Hiyori skulking in the background. "It's temporary, he wanted to get to know his lover and her family better, that's what he told me. I authorized it, the Head Captain approved it." "...Damn that's more suspicious then those SS-dressed guys down the street who say they're not Neo-Nazis." Kasumi responded. "...Well, interrogation time!" He pulled out a carving knife. "...Let's go, then." Kachihi began to leave. Smack! Rika's hand hit Kasumi. "No knives in front of the children!" Says the mother who brought said children to a mad scientist's laboratory. "...But they're tingly!" Kasumi stuttered. Kachihi smacked Kasumi in the back of the head with his open hand, remarking to himself, "...Hehe, damn that felt good," before responding out loud, "...No violence...yet. Not just yet, but consider it an open option at all times. That bastard's suspicious as hell." As they exited the barracks, Rika frowned. "Wonder why he'd ask for a leave of absence for something so trivial? Shinigami rarely do anything as it is, and with Master so lenient, he could have gone AWOL and no one would have noticed for weeks. Maybe he wants to avoid suspicion at all...?" "...I still say we force the answers out of him with knives." Kasumi responded. "...He seems like a tough nut to crack." Kachihi retorted to such a statement, "...No violence, yet! Let's just get back, eh?" Kaito chuckled as they all left. "Kachihi Amagase, you have more in store for you than you'll ever want. I wonder how you will proceed when it all comes crashing down you..."