| - As the hotel elevator door begins to close Rebecca rushes to keep the door open.
Rebecca: Not without me, Chuck. You're the best lead I've ever had.
Chuck: Get behind me.
TK: Hey, whoa! Careful with the money, fool! We don't got much left!
Mercenary: Hey, look boss!
TK: Not possible! NOT gonna happen! We're taking off. NOW!
TK: Kill that son of a bitch!
After the helicopter explodes:
Rebecca: Well, that was a hell of a show.
Chuck: He killed all those people. Just for this.
Rebecca: Is he alive?
Chuck: He sure is. He's not even started paying for what he's done. Let's get him back to the safe house.
- Helicopter Attacks
* Helicopter Ram The helicopter flies by while the crane has loosened its grip; the helicopter will home in on Chuck's position.
* Gatling Gun Fire The Mercenary in the helicopter will fire at Chuck with the gatling gun inside.
The helicopter will fly back and forth while above the rooftop and it will try
to hit Chuck as it flies by him. Quickly perform Chuck's dodge roll to roll
right under the helicopter or crane handle as it moves toward Chuck while he
stands near the crane. The helicopter will fly back eventually to try to hit Chuck again,
so perform another dodge roll up underneath the helicopter.
Chuck can also stand along the west side of the rooftop to avoid the helicopter's first ram without having to roll, but he will likely have to roll eventually since the helicopter will fly toward his current area on the second time around. The helicopter's ram attack takes around two units of health per hit, so make sure to watch Chuck's life bar carefully during this battle.
After trying to ram Chuck, the helicopter will fly into the air and the
Mercenary inside will try to blast Chuck with the gatling gun inside the
helicopter. Run to the side and run toward the crane and the winch should be just
about ready to winch the helicopter at that time, so prepare to press the
button again to winch it and cancel the gatling gun fire. To avoid the gatling gun fire get behind one of the air condition units in the south. The gatling gun will usually fire toward one area, so most of the time Chuck can avoid its fire by running to the side when it starts to fire.
The helicopter will eventually try to fly to the side and hit Chuck as the
crane loosens its grip. Chuck will have to constantly winch the helicopter
throughout this battle in order to hit it. Press the button on the crane to
winch the helicopter. A light on the crane will blink red as soon as the
helicopter tries to fly off, but the light will eventually glow green. Once
the light glows green, push the button to winch the helicopter then toss an
object at it.