| - The Heikō Pirates are a Pirate Crew that originated within West Blue by their Captain, Asparta H. Kyoto, who sought for people to join his family and in hopes of achieving his dreams, as well as the Pirate members' dreams. When starting out on his voyage, Kyoto had little to no idea what to name his crew, or who to really have apart of the crew. It wasn't until he met Rando that he recruited his first member, and was able to gain a Navigator, making it easier for them to sail around the seas. After several encounters, the crew fought against G-11's Rear Admiral Oshan, ultimately losing against him, and then offering a name for the Pirate Crew. Seeing that the name fit, Kyoto decided to officially begin his crew and protect them at all costs, so a loss like that would not happen again. The
| - The Heikō Pirates are a Pirate Crew that originated within West Blue by their Captain, Asparta H. Kyoto, who sought for people to join his family and in hopes of achieving his dreams, as well as the Pirate members' dreams. When starting out on his voyage, Kyoto had little to no idea what to name his crew, or who to really have apart of the crew. It wasn't until he met Rando that he recruited his first member, and was able to gain a Navigator, making it easier for them to sail around the seas. After several encounters, the crew fought against G-11's Rear Admiral Oshan, ultimately losing against him, and then offering a name for the Pirate Crew. Seeing that the name fit, Kyoto decided to officially begin his crew and protect them at all costs, so a loss like that would not happen again. The Heiko Pirates are the overall Main Protagonists of Trials of the World, often finding themselves in situations that are considered to be hazardous by many people, such as facing against the infamous Pirate Crew the Imperial Pirates, a crew led by Eonzo D. Into bent on becoming the strongest in the world, and ultimately putting all inhabitants under their tyranny, Mugen, a Pirate Organization founded and headed by Shukketsu Clan members, hoping to liberate the world of darkness by any means possible, or even dangerous Marine divisions or branches such as G-11, an infamous Marine Branch that tortures their captives and forcing them to work for them, destroying their spirit in the long run, and Holy, a Marine Division headed by former Marine Admiral Tsuiho bent on following the World Government's modus operandi by any means necessary. Because of their actions throughout their journey, the Heiko Pirates have gained a sense of infamy ranging from some islands, or Antagonists of the series, to the World Government. However, it doesn't go without saying that the Heiko Pirates are also allied with several famous islands and people, making them an even greater force to be reckoned with. During the majority of the time before the Timeskip, the Heiko Pirates were known to sail around on Memories, after acquiring a Marine Battleship for a short period of time, and then after its destruction, gained their current ship, Home. The Heiko Pirates currently consists of thirteen members, whose combined bounties equal to File:Bsymbol.gif000,000,000.