| - Plezier voor Vier (Fun for Four) features "jokes, songs and stories" by Pino, Tommie, Ieniemienie and actor Piet Hendriks, who played the grandfather figure on Sesamstraat from 1976 to 1982. The material on this album was not featured on the TV show. Piet, Tommie, Ienie and Pino welcome everybody to the record album. Pino is the first to sing a silly song, "All The Trees Are Blue", where everyone can fill in their own colors. Ieniemienie tells a silly story about a palace made of cheese. Pino is upset because he can't have a house made of pancakes. Tommie has a special surprise for everyone: a set of paper serpents. They pull a joke on Piet by pretending the serpents are scary snakes. Piet demonstrates how to make a kite. Pino, Tommie and Ienie seem to have a lot to learn about good manners when Piet takes them out to a pancake restaurant. After a few more games and songs, Piet decides they can all stay over for the night. The album ends with Tommie singing a lullaby for his friends.