| - The Slaxe is just pure awesomeness and that's all there is to it. It's a sword, lance, and axe all in one. You can block, blunt-smash, chop, hack, lunge, nudge, rake, slash, smack, smash, spear, stab, thrash and throw anything with it. Actually, the only thing you can't do with it is cook hot dogs over an open fire. And they cook faster and taste better this way too. Yes cook all your foods with the utterly 9wn4ge slaxe, cuisine cooker from heaven, and the best friggin weapon too! Note: . Nobody wants to be the one who has to clean that up. Jib Also Mulches Up retards with this.
| - The Slaxe is just pure awesomeness and that's all there is to it. It's a sword, lance, and axe all in one. You can block, blunt-smash, chop, hack, lunge, nudge, rake, slash, smack, smash, spear, stab, thrash and throw anything with it. Actually, the only thing you can't do with it is cook hot dogs over an open fire. And they cook faster and taste better this way too. Yes cook all your foods with the utterly 9wn4ge slaxe, cuisine cooker from heaven, and the best friggin weapon too! 98. Sata Gun A device which fires Serial ATA cables at velocities in excess of four kilometres an hour! For the hardware technician on the go, or rheumatic ninjas. 97. Keygun This weapon is good because I thought it did exist but it doesn't. 96. LightChainsawGunbladeChucks Vicous combination of lightsaber, chainsaw, gunblade and nunchuck. favoured by Joseph Stalin for eating the Proletariate. The epic ultimate dick shit. 95. The Lightspork It's like a lightsaber, but with a spork. And can cut and cook food with its heat. Thus, it has 5 uses. Fork, spoon, deadly weapon, food-cutter, and also stove. Not many things you have can do that, eh? Note: . Nobody wants to be the one who has to clean that up. Jib Also Mulches Up retards with this. 94. Sword Jet The accuracy and precision of modern technology combined with the kick-ass awesomeness of the sword. And it uses CamelCase, too! How could you go NOT wrong with one of these? It will fail. EPIC FAIL!!! Image:SwordJet.PNG 93. Nuke Sword Known by many to be wielded by Czars across the world. The nuke sword is a formidable weapon. Even though many czars have the weapon, only one has ever dared used it, to smite Japan. Sure the "Historians" might tell you that it was America using the so-called "Atomic Bomb", but tell me, what proof is there that this weapon even exists(besides the obvious crater and the picture took of the bomb?) It had to be a Czar with a Nuke Sword. 92. The Quadraspork Besides being a killer weapon for assassins (and psychotic chefs), you can also eat food four times as fast! (But beware of cut lips, skull injuries, and choking big time. Be sure to have a surgeon ready.) 91.Chainchucks Two chainsaws connected by a chain. This is perhaps one of the most powerful chuck-weapons in existance, and can thus only be wielded by an Überninja. Or Chuck Norris's gigantic hairy cock.