| - Safari — браузер, разработанный Apple и по умолчанию входящий в состав операционных систем Mac OS X и iOS. Категория:Браузеры
- Safari is a screamer video that was uploaded to YouTube on February 5th, 2008 by Jeremy Winterrowd on the prankcontest channel. The video first shows a family outing at a safari. It also depicts animals such as hyenas and bears. However, after the bear fades out, a bald deformed man appears with the scream.
- Safari de J Balvin ft. Pharrell Williams, BIA, Sky.
- Safari是苹果电脑的最新操作系统Mac OS X中新的预设浏览器,用来取代之前的Internet Explorer for Mac。Safari使用了KDE的KHTML作为浏览器的运算核心。 "Safari" 这个条目现在是一个兔尾巴. 这个文章的资讯量暂时不足。希望您可以[ 补充这个条文的内容]。谢谢!
- A barely counts as a miss.
- Safari is a Friend Area in the South Plains.
- Safari is a Nemesis Perk. __NoToC__
- Safari is a popular Apple browser.
- The Safari is an "estate car" (known in the United States a "station wagon") in Grand Theft Auto: London 1961.
- A safari was a type of recreational journey, traditionally centering on African wildlife. In 2151, Captain Jonathan Archer described Malcolm Reed's hunting trip on the rogue planet Dakala as a safari. (ENT: "Rogue Planet") Within Data's Sherlock Holmes holoprogram in 2369, Countess Regina Barthalomew's mother was worried that her daughter might have been bitten by a tsetse fly on a safari with her uncle. (TNG: "Ship in a Bottle" ) Ferengi were known to go on business safaris, opening up new territories for financial exploitation. (DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak")
- Rather than open a set of windows like most Internet browsers, Safari allows you to have a set of tabs within one window. (You can still open and use multiple windows, if you prefer.) Also, Safari is one of the first browsers that supports pop-up window blocking. The default search engine is Google.
- É uma personagem de série A Princesa e o Cavaleiro. É a corajosa e bela princesa da Terra de Prata. Ela é bondosa, tem um forte senso de justiça e é boa com a espada. Precisa fingir ser um homem por que o trono da Terra de Prata só pode ser ocupado por homens. Conquistou o coração do príncipe Franz e ele o dela.
- Safari es una pista de Rally que tiene como tema principal el ocaso y se ubica en África. Ésta pista consta unicamente de 3 etapas o carreras:
* Desert: Ocaso.
* Swaps: Lloviendo.
* Forest: Soleado.
- Apple publishes documentation for Safari's HTML, CSS, and DOM capabilities, among 135 total references. Specific information, such as the earliest version to support each feature, seems to be unavailable however.
- Safari is a stage that appears in Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate and Dead or Alive Online.
- Safari is a proprietary interweb browser and a combatant in the 2nd browser war against Interweb Exploder, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, and others. Safari was released after Steve Jobs realized how much Internet Explorer for Mac sucked and decided to take matters into his own hands. Safari is the de facto browser for Mac users, and wannabe Mac fans. Linux and BSD users revert to running it using Wine since they are into Unix in the first place.
- Safari ist die ältere der beiden Afrikanischen Elefantenkühe im Zoopark Erfurt. Geboren wurde sie 1971 in Afrika und gelangte über die Tierhandelsfirma L. Ruhe aus Alfeld (Leine) nach Erfurt, wo sie als Kalb am 08. Juni 1974 zusammen mit ihren gleichaltrigen Artgenossinen Aja und Mondula eintraf. Dort lebte neben Asiatischen Elefanten noch die ältere Marina, die den ersten Rang unter den Kühen einnahm und bis zu ihrem Tod 2003 in Erfurt lebte. Da die Elefanten in Erfurt im direkten Kontakt zu den Pflegern gehalten wurden, machten sie mit wachsendem Alter gegenüber diesen Schwierigkeiten, die dazu führten, dass zuerst Mondula 1998 an den schottischen Safaripark Blair Drummond in den geschützten Kontakt abgegeben wurde. Aja wurde seitdem anscheinend von den anderen Kühen getrennt gehalten un
- The Safari is one of the many areas (or biomes) in Lumberland. This area contains three stores, and a lush forest with a few variants of trees, including Walnut Wood, tree unique to this area, while including some of the trees that also grow in the Main Biome. Towards the back of the Safari, there is a small cliff that leads to the Swamp. Although this little cliff is supposed to be the exit of the Swamp, it is often disregarded and used as an entrance. During the ROBLOX's "Winter Games 2017" Event, the Safari was not affected by the snow and the challenge.
- Safari – samochód typu kombi, występujący w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961. Jest wzorowany na Citroënie DS "Break" (znanym także jako "Safari", co wyjaśnia pochodzenie nazwy pojazdu). Jest to jedyne kombi w całym GTA: London. Razem z Ravenem 2000, należy do grupy dużych samochodów rodzinnych. Tak, jak większość samochodów typu kombi z lat 50. i 60., na dachu ma bagażnik.