Bruce Thomas (b. May 17, 1961) portrayed Batman in a series of television advertisements for the automotive assistance and security company OnStar. He also voiced Atrocitus for the animated film Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, Desaad for the animated film Justice League: War, and Jim Gordon and Ubu for the animated film Son of Batman.
* Gallery featuring Bruce Thomas in their various live action roles __NOEDITSECTION__
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| - Bruce Thomas (b. May 17, 1961) portrayed Batman in a series of television advertisements for the automotive assistance and security company OnStar. He also voiced Atrocitus for the animated film Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, Desaad for the animated film Justice League: War, and Jim Gordon and Ubu for the animated film Son of Batman.
* Gallery featuring Bruce Thomas in their various live action roles __NOEDITSECTION__
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| - portrayed Batman in various flashback scenes for the television series Birds of Prey and appeared in every show intro. He also voiced Atrocitus for the animated film Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, Desaad for the animated film Justice League: War, and Jim Gordon and Ubu for the animated film Son of Batman.
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| - portrayed Batman in a series of television advertisements for the automotive assistance and security company OnStar.
He also voiced Atrocitus for the animated film Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, Desaad for the animated film Justice League: War, and Jim Gordon and Ubu for the animated film Son of Batman.
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| - Bruce Thomas (b. May 17, 1961) portrayed Batman in a series of television advertisements for the automotive assistance and security company OnStar. He also voiced Atrocitus for the animated film Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, Desaad for the animated film Justice League: War, and Jim Gordon and Ubu for the animated film Son of Batman.
* Gallery featuring Bruce Thomas in their various live action roles __NOEDITSECTION__