Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo is the first animated film in the Teen Titans animated film series. The plot revolves around The Titans in Tokyo, Japan to catch a Japanese criminal.
Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo is the first animated film in the Teen Titans animated film series. The plot revolves around The Titans in Tokyo, Japan to catch a Japanese criminal.
The Teen Titans' hometown is attacked by a Japanese ninja called Saico-Tek. Under interrogation, Saico-Tek reveals the identity of the one who sent him: Brushogun. The ninja then vanishes and the Titans head to Tokyo, Japan, to search for its master.
Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo is a made-for-TV movie based on the popular 2003-2006 Animated Series Teen Titans, produced for Cartoon Network by Warner Bros animation. It was the last original Teen Titans material to air on Cartoon Network before the show went into reruns.