Attributes | Values |
| - Cracken's Rebel Operatives
- Cracken's Rebel Operatives
- Cracken's Rebel Operatives
| - Cracken's Rebel Operatives, to pierwsza wersja podręcznika (z zasadami drugiej edycji) do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40084). Podręcznik wydano w 1994 roku i jego autorami są Paul Balsamo, Craig Robert Carey, Stephen Crane, Sean Fannon, Michael Allen Horne, Rick Olshak, Brian Schomburg, Peter Schweighofer, Bill Smith, Ed Stark, Paul Sudlow, Eric Trautmann, Chuck Truett, David R. Tulo, Jr. i Dan Verssen.
- Cracken's Rebel Operatives era un suplemento de rol destinado a ser utilizado en conjunción con Second Edition rules de Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Escrito e ilustrado por varios autores y artistas, este libro contiene entradas correspondientes a la Alianza Rebelde "agentes más famosos y coloridos", para el uso por maestros de juego y jugadores en una variedad de maneras.
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| - *Bantha
*Needle beast
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| - Cracken's Rebel Operatives
Publish Date
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| - *Gial Ackbar
*Ytavarg Aleema
*Tal Anavere
*Raymus Antilles
*Reginna Bel Typolla
*Winter Celchu
*Tru'eb Cholakk
*Airen Cracken
*Parsol d'Ahndole
*Ars Dangor
*Biggs Darklighter
*Evram Darkmere
*Garreck Darkmere
*Leger DeMain
*Halacc Demior
*Argon Doehn
*Allandria Evlan
*Allexia Evlan
*Morna Faenarm
*Gevil Flan
*Fionna Flannis
*Margo Flarestream
*Nelson Flin
*Locus Geen
*Filice Ginzork
*Peert Ginzork
*Gorbu Dalo
*Bolabo Hujaan
*Tarn Innis
*Harlov Jarnek
*Ilo Jev
*Quintik Kahr
*Baarak Kalaim
*Bron Kand'lar
*Talon Karrde
*Kessel Krusher
*Diskio Khzrry
*K'lial Khzrry
*Ap Kormar
*Kassar Kosciusko
*Vall Kumauri
*Arsitta Kushoe
*Kerri Lessev
*Retter Lewis
*Saren Llalik
*Aimi Loto
*M'lay Loto
*Crix Madine
*Tanda Marelle
*Kijo Mnuue
*Basal Moor
*Mon Mothma
*Voren Na'al
*Vin Northal
*Platt Okeefe
*Nile Owen
*Nile Owen's daughter
*Nile Owen's personal assistant
*Shen-and-Gretta Pikeual-Angeles
*Ger Plortor
*Venlyss Pnorr
*Fulkrehm Protial
*R2z-DL's operative
*Koedi Raef
*Ander Rendrake
*Morrina Reugus
*Zeke Rondel
*Keal Roscon
*Darion Seville
*Yearo Seville
*Pertaal Shenvehr
*Gorvan Shrulldike
*Berren Sid Té
*Mael Sidras
*Siro Simito
*Kena Shont
*Mygo Skinto
*Rya Skodhan
*Luke Skywalker
*Sarchen Snyle
*Han Solo
*Leia Organa Solo
*Kevas Startron
*Jan Strange
*Shelta Sune
*Adar Tallon
*Lavek Talstin
*Gideon Tarkin
*Rivoche Tarkin
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Bonic Tarracus
*Flinor Tekkirl
*Pann Tefilous
*Graff Teiras
*Dexter Thorgrim
*Jabba Desilijic Tiure
*Dane Tizzin
*Sasnak Toxis
*Francill Trell
*Tranira Trell
*Vimran Trell
*Burellion Tiy
*Ploovo Two-For-One
*Darth Vader
*Crueya Vandron
*Kara Via
*Dælar vuv Tertarrnek
*Unidentified Imperial cruiser commander
*Iona Wince
*Barthalemew Windsloe
*Graf Yonna
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| - *Battle between the Kumauri Empire and the Republic
*Botor-Dawferim feud
*Galactic Civil War
**Attack on Kostra
**Battle of Miztoc City
**Battle of Yavin
**Capture of Alpha Outpost
**Destruction of Alderaan
**Erhynradd Mutiny
**Last Stand at Refnar
**Liberation of Vilosoria
**Medepiest Uprising
**Pacification of Meastrinnar
*Imperial City Exhibition Series
*Raid against the Vallaido fleet
*Star Rally
**Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade
| - Cracken’s Rebel Operatives
- Cracken’s Rebel Operatives
| - Cracken's Rebel Operatives
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| |
| - *Paul Balsamo
*Craig Robert Carey
*Stephen Crane
*Sean Fannon
*Michael Allen Horne
*Ron Hodge
*Rick Olshak
*Brian Schomburg
*Peter Schweighofer
*Bill Smith
*Ed Stark
*Paul Sudlow
*Eric Trautmann
*Chuck Truett
*David R. Tulo
*Dan Verssen
| - *Paul Balsamo
*Craig Robert Carey
*Stephen Crane
*Sean Fannon
*Michael Allen Horne
*Rick Olshak
*Brian Schomburg
*Peter Schweighofer
*Bill Smith
*Ed Stark
*Paul Sudlow
*Eric Trautmann
*Chuck Truett
*David R. Tulo
*Dan Verssen
| - *Alcohol
*Black market
*Corellian rum
*Death mark
*Death Star plans
*Escape at Cloud City
*Fromirian roast queg
*Galactic Basic Standard
*Galactic Credit Standard
*Ho'Din herbal tea
**Galactic Resorts
*Imperial Cash Voucher
*Insulated mit
*Jet juice
*Kinetic communication
*Kloo horn
*Lettrani fruit tree
*Lettranin mit
*Metric ton
*Multiple personality disorder
*Nebula for Bravery
*Nerve toxin
*Over-under formation
*Rank insignia plaque
*Ration pack
*Razor grass
*Reigat Rage
*Rohal Cross
*Shantipole Project
*Shockball scoop
*Standard month
*The Force
| - *DS-1 Orbital Battle Station
*Golan space defense platform
**BTL Y-wing starfighter
**TIE/LN starfighter
**X-wing starfighter
**Z-95 Headhunter
**Bulk transport
***Mark I Bulk Transport
**CR90 corvette
***Discril-class attack cruiser
***Unidentified Imperial cruiser
***Action VI transport
***Bulk freighter
***Class 720 freighter
****Luudrian Star
****Pepper's Hope
***YT-1300 light freighter
***Crescent-class Transport
****Sapphire's Gem
**GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat
**Imperial-class Star Destroyer
**Immobilizer 418 cruiser
**Kumauri Battleship
***Cal-class battleship
****Cal Ambre
**Luxury liner
***Savage Pleasure
***Starlite Cloud
**Pathfinder-class scout ship
***Atrivis Advancer
***Lambda-class T-4a shuttle
**System patrol craft
***Light transport
****Burellion's Deal
**Troop transport
**Valla's Glorious Gesture
***Model 11-S Space Yacht
****Siren III''
**Nebulon-Q Swoop Racer
| - *Barabel
*Mon Calamari
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| - *Mike Jackson
*Brian Schomburg
*Doug Shuler
*Mike Vilardi
| - Cracken's Rebel Operatives
book title
| - Cracken's Rebel Operatives
| - *Aavman Extravagance
*Adostic Arms
*Alliance to Restore the Republic
**177th Light Infantry Division
**Advisory Council
**Alliance High Command
**Alliance Intelligence
***Foster Agent
**Alliance Special Forces
**Cracken's Crew
**Sleeper Cell V-16
*Art dealer
*Assistant Features Editor
*BioTech Industries
*BlasTech Industries
*Botor Enclave
*Bounty hunter
*Byblos Starport Security
*Colonial News Nets
**Art Galaxy Roundup
**Ask Argothil Anything
**Personalities in the News
*Con artist
*Corellian Engineering Corporation
*Corellian Shipbuilders Union
*Corporate Sector Authority
*Crime lord
*Customs official
*Cybot Galactica
*Daupherm Planet States
**Daupherm Marine Corps
**Daupherm Merchant Space Fleet
**Daupherm Systems Fleet
*Department of Environmental Maintenance
*Director of Prosthetic Design
*Duros Allied Army
*Flight Commander
*First Mate
*Galactic Empire
**Commission for the Preservation of the New Order
***Imperial Security Bureau
***Sub-Adult Group
**Emperor's Royal Guard
**Galactic Emperor
**Grand Vizier
**Imperial Academy
**Imperial Advisor
**Imperial Army
***Land assault trooper
***Supply Branch
**Imperial Court
**Imperial Intelligence
***External Communications
****Imperial News Network
**Imperial Naval Academy
**Imperial Navy
**Imperial Supply
**New Order
*Galactic Republic
*Galax Systems
*Ghtroc Industries
*Grand Moff
*Golan Arms
*Guild of Non-Human Skilled Laborers
*Hctaqsas Metals
*House of Organa
*Hyrotii Corporation
*Imperial NetPost
*Incom Corporation
*Industrial Automaton
*Jabba Desilijic Tiure's criminal empire
*Khzrry family unit
*Kuat Drive Yards
*Kumauri Empire
*Larjh StarCorporation
*Merr-Sonn Munition, Inc.
*Outlaw tech
*Ploovo Two-For-One's organization
*Rebaxan Columni
*Royal Imperial Shockball League
**Quent Assassins
**Shad Furies
*Security guard
*Seville pirate clan
*Sienar Ships
*SoroSuub Corporation
*Sullustan Home Guard
*Tarkin family
*The Shield
*TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated
*Vallaido pirate clan
*Vangaard Industries
*Vulca Minerals
*Yagaran Four
*zZip Product Concepts Limited
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| - *Droid
**Astromech droid
***R2-series astromech droid
***R2z Starship Maintenance Droid
**BRT supercomputer
**Cam droid
**Espionage droid
**Harvester droid
**Maintenance droid
***MdZ Maintenance Droid
**Medical droid
***2-1B surgical droid
**MSE-6-series repair droid
**Probe droid
**Protocol droid
**S12 droid
| - *Af'El
*Alpha Outpost
*Baes Logia
*Belshar Othacuu
*Berrol's Donn
**Sangorn's Net
*Bestine IV
*Bilbringi system
**Bilbringi Shipyards
*Bramior system
*Brentaal IV
**Brentaal spaceport
**Byblos Starport
**Byblos Starport Tower 214
***Bolabo's Garage
**Incom Regional Headquarters
*Cloud City
**Wyloff sector
***Wyloff system
****Sector Plexus
*Core Worlds
*Corellian system
**BioTech Industries Headquarters
*Corporate Sector
**Imperial Palace
*Elin Roe
***Calamar University
*Fait d'Fait system
**Fait d'Fait
*Grohl sector
*Hedrys City
*Hythrope system
**Hythrope IV
*Inner Rim
*Karvoss II
**Spice Mines of Kessel
*Kriz sector
*Kuat system
*Kwenn Space Station
**Royal K Hotel and Casino
*Lifh sector
***Fabrillan City Spaceport
*Mid Rim
**Druess sector
***Ank Kit'aar
**Irnaj sector
***Keltos IV
**Miztoc City
*Nar Shaddaa
*New Cylimba
*Nieuth Four
*Novor 23
**Luj City
***East Side
*Ord Dorlass
*Ord Mantell
**Imperial Palace Casino Hotel
*Ord Sabaok
*Outer Rim Territories
**Camden system
****Jade Simian
****Snakes' Den
**Portmoak sector
***Reuss VIII
**Shallow March
***Shallow March Supply Post
*Pako Ramoon
*Parmorak sector
*Rayter sector
**Unidentified Alliance base
*Roche asteroid field
*Seswenna sector
*Seville family compound
*Sriluur system
*Tallaan system
***Tallaani Shipyards
*Tandon sector
**Spirador system
****Moff Jarnek's palace
*Unidentified Covallon homeworld
*Unknown Regions
**Palestro's Wholesale Firearms
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| - *Mike Jackson
*Brian Schomburg
*Doug Shuler
*Mike Vilardi
| - Cracken's Rebel Operatives era un suplemento de rol destinado a ser utilizado en conjunción con Second Edition rules de Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Escrito e ilustrado por varios autores y artistas, este libro contiene entradas correspondientes a la Alianza Rebelde "agentes más famosos y coloridos", para el uso por maestros de juego y jugadores en una variedad de maneras. El cuerpo de operarios de Cracken's Rebel Operatives tomó el informe del General Airen Cracken en in-universe en que él considera ser el operario "más útil de la Alianza". Cada entrada contiene una breve biografía del personaje que lo cubre, las estadísticas de los personajes del juego, y un dictamen escrito del Cracken sobre el tema. Algunas entradas dan una descripción breve que entra en detalles con respecto a un aspecto único de un personaje como su especie, una pieza esotérica de los equipos o del buque que el personaje tiene acceso, o de una novela que profundiza en algún aspecto del personaje de la historia.
- Cracken's Rebel Operatives, to pierwsza wersja podręcznika (z zasadami drugiej edycji) do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40084). Podręcznik wydano w 1994 roku i jego autorami są Paul Balsamo, Craig Robert Carey, Stephen Crane, Sean Fannon, Michael Allen Horne, Rick Olshak, Brian Schomburg, Peter Schweighofer, Bill Smith, Ed Stark, Paul Sudlow, Eric Trautmann, Chuck Truett, David R. Tulo, Jr. i Dan Verssen.
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