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- Resolute is a warrior talent from the Defender tree in Dragon Age II.
- A Jedi Knight's first stun immunity ability that removes all incapacitating effects.
- The Resolute was a Venator-class Star Destroyer. Throughout the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi General with the Galactic Republic flew this vessel as his personal flagship.
- Resolute is a 2015 comedy drama brickfilm by Zach Macias. It is the ninth film in the Ben and Andy series and follows Ben as he tries to keep his New Year's resolutions. It was originally planned to be entered into the THAC XII contest, but was not completed within the twenty-four hour period.
- The Resolute was a Venator-class Star Destroyer during the Clone Wars. It was assigned to Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and was placed under the Admiralty of Admiral Yularen.
- Resolute is a tier 5 skill in Jack's The Hero of This Story skill tree. It gives you and your Digi-Jacks gain variable Damage Resistance per rank and +7% Weapon Damage per rank for a few seconds after you take damage.
- A Resolute Venator-osztályú csillagromboló Anakin Skywalker zászlóshajója volt a Klónok háborúja első-második évében. Miután számos csatában vetették be győzedelmesen, valamikor YE 21 végén-20 első hónapjaiban az Asajj Ventress vezette szeparatista flotta megsemmisítette a sullusti csatában. Parancsnoka Wullf Yularen volt, akinek sikerült elmenekülnie, mielőtt a hajó hídja felrobbant.
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- Resolute is a Heroic Perk. __NoToC__
- The Resolute is the spacecraft used by Tetrax Shard to travel in space. The ship is manned by Tetrax (owner and pilot in Alien Force) and Gluto (the pilot in the original series).
- The Resolute was a Genabackan oared galleon owned by the Blue Shields. Its highly trained crew could maneuver the ship with precision. Its mobility, and its complement of over two hundred motivated heavy infantry, made it a deadly offensive and defensive weapon.
- Die Resolute war ein Jedi-Kreuzer zur Zeit der Klonkriege unter dem Kommando von Admiral Wulff Yularen und General Anakin Skywalker. Sie wurde über Alanteen IV gebaut und sollte ursprünglich Ki-Adi-Mundi zur Verfügung stehen.
- Die Resolute war ein Jedi-Kreuzer zur Zeit der Klonkriege unter dem Kommando von Admiral Wulff Yularen und General Anakin Skywalker. Sie wurde über Alanteen IV gebaut und sollte ursprünglich Ki-Adi-Mundi zur Verfügung stehen.
- The breeze was chill as it ruffled Kera's white and blonde hair. It was cold, so frigid that it didn't even snow. She was glad of the thick woolen cloth she wore under her plate mail. Inhaling, the crisp air seared her lungs and she paused a moment so as not to cough. Before her stood the assembled unit of Resolute. A group of fighters and healers brought together out of necessity. Perhaps not by choice, many had been volunteered for this duty, to serve and represent their faction or race.
- In 22 BBY, The Confederacy of Independent Systems set a blockade to the planet of Christophsis trapping Senator Bail Organa. The Resolute with two other Venator-class star destroyers and supply ships led by Anakin Skywalker launched an attack to break to blockade, However, they were outnumbered. Later, on the order from Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Resolute and the other ships retreat to the moon.
- The Resolute was the largest, most powerful ExoCarrier in the ExoFleet during the first few years of the Second Neosapien War and served as Admiral Winfield's personal flagship. Unfortunately, she was also commanded by Matthew Marcus, an incompetent captain who ultimately led the ship to destruction. In spite of her destruction, she is present at the opening scene of Episode 49. That means she was probably rebuilt, but she was no longer Exofleet flagship.