| - Chastity is one of the many strippers who work at the Vanilla Unicorn in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.
- Chastity is a prostitute.
- Chastity is the teen daughter of Dr. Rockzo's old flame, Dory McClean. She appears briefly at the end of Dethzazz. Dr. Rockzo finds Chastity very attractive after realizing that Dory herself has aged, thus perpetuating his illegal penchant for underage girls.
- An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Chastity gave Elektra a run for her money. As an agent, she was a master of disguise, and a skilled, athletic, ruthless killer, she met her end when Elektra used her mind powers to look like she was shot, but actually Chastity took the bullet.
- Chastity est une strip-teaseuse qui travaille au Vanilla Unicorn dans Grand Theft Auto V et Grand Theft Auto Online.
- Chastity – postać występująca w Grand Theft Auto V i Grand Theft Auto Online. Chastity jest jedną z ośmiu striptizerek w klubie Vanilla Unicorn, a zarazem jedną z czterech, które nie mogą zostać zabrane do domu w trybie fabularnym. Można ją poznać po krótkich, czarnych włosach, czerwonej bustierze, czerwonej bieliźnie i czarnym naszyjniku.
- Chastity es una bailarina que trabaja en el club Vanilla Unicorn. Es contratada por Trevor para entretener a Wade y una de las responsables de la estancia permanente de Wade en el club de striptease. En GTA Online,el jugador puede llevarla a su casa para que le ofrezca sus servicios personalmente al protagonista.
- Chastity is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The Fruits of the Holy Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church lists twelve of them.
- Chastity Marks was a normal american girl. She lived in Toledo Ohio with a father that abused and molested her. At seventeen she ran away to London to be an acteress but got involved with a punk rock band and dated the band leader. One day Chastity was running an errand for the band to get drumsticks from there van in a alley when she was attacked by a obese vampire named Farley. Chastity Marks got away by stabbing a drumstick in his eye. When she awoke from the encounter Chastity found her self in the company of a vampire called the Countess and told her about what happened. Countess trained her and told Chastity that she is undetectable to other vampires.
- This set of daggers are fairly strong for the early game and will suit your needs until the end of the area.
- Chastity is a woman in Metropolis who Clark Kent met while he was under the influence of red kryptonite. [picture needed] She is the cousin of Mick, the head of Intergang.