| - Darth Desolous, born circa 3522 BBY, was a male Pau'an Jedi Master prior to becoming a Sith Lord. After he studied Sith teachings and fell to the dark side of the Force, he was expelled from the Jedi Order. As the new Dark Lord of the Sith, Desolous swore revenge on the Jedi and assembled an army of Pau'ans, whom he trained in martial arts and used in his fight against the Order. Desolous and his men slew almost two thousand Jedi, until they were crushed by the Jedi Order during a battle on the planet Yaga Minor. During the battle, Desolous was killed. A simulacrum of Darth Desolous was later incorporated into the Jedi Temple's Trial of Skill program. In 3 BBY, the program activated itself and fought Sith Lord Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller, and was defeated by him.
- Darth Desolous was a male Pau'an Dark Lord of the Sith. Before falling to the dark side of the Force, he was a revered Jedi Master whose name had long been forgotten.
- Darth Desolous fue un Señor Oscuro de los Sith Pau'ano. Antes de caer al Lado Oscuro, Desolous fue un respetado Maestro Jedi cuyo nombre había sido hacía mucho tiempo olvidado.
- Darth Desolous, born circa 3,522 BBY, was a male Pau'an Jedi Master prior to becoming a Sith Lord. After he studied Sith teachings and fell to the dark side of the Force, he was expelled from the Jedi Order. As the new Dark Lord of the Sith, Desolous swore revenge on the Jedi and assembled an army of Pau'ans, whom he trained in martial arts and used in his fight against the Order. Desolous is a minor villain in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed during the downloadable mission in the Jedi Temple.
- Nato circa 3.500 anni prima delle Guerre dei Cloni, il guerriero che sarebbe poi diventato Darth Desolous era un grande Maestro Jedi di cui nessuno ricorda più il nome. La sua brama di combattere lo condusse al Lato Oscuro e all'apprendimento delle tecniche Sith. Espulso dall'Ordine Jedi, il Maestro caduto in disgrazia si fece chiamare Darth Desolous e giurò vendetta. Iniziò ad addestrare un'armata di Pau'an nel suo stile personale di arti marziali, che prevede l'uso di uno scudo in lega di cortosis in combinazione con un'arma da mischia. Lo scudo veniva utilizzato per bloccare le armi nemiche (incluse le spade laser dei Jedi), lasciando l'avversario vulnerabile a un contrattacco. Darth Desolous scagliò quindi i suoi soldati sanguinari contro l'Ordine, aggredendo i Cavalieri Jedi in ogni a
- Darth Desolous was a Pau'an Dark Lord of the Sith born on Utapau who lived from the time of the reign of Darth Haagen to the Siege of Dantooine. When the Mandalorians invaded Republic space, Desolous heard the call to war and joined Revan and Alek Squinquargesimus's cause, defying the Jedi Council. He was eventually seduced the power of the dark side of the Force, and therefore was exiled from the Jedi Council.