| - The R.O.A.D.S.T.A.R. is a vehicle based on the design of an antique automobile. It had first appeared in Operation: C.O.L.L.E.G.E. as Numbuh 1's basic mode of transportation when he was infiltrating the prestigious university. It was briefly seen flying overhead in Operation: L.E.A.D.E.R. while the other four operatives were at a beauty salon when Lizzie had taken over Numbuh 1's role as leader. The 2x4 tech handbook says Numbuh 1 designed and built most of it. Numbuh 2 tries to take credit for the idea of surfboards as wings, before Nubmuh 5 says it was her idea. It's aalso revealed that it has a snow cone dispenser and the hood orniment is a bowling trophy stolen from Mr. Boss's living room. In Operation: G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D., it's shown it can retract it's wings and engine and drive on land. It was later seen in Operation: L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N.. Numbuh 1 had drove this vehicle to the prison Count Spankulot was incarcerated so he could turn him into a Spank-Happy Vampire. Then, during his return trip to the treehouse, Numbuh 1 had ordered a Code L-62 (a complete lockdown of the treehouse) and the R.O.A.D.S.T.A.R. malfunctioned along the way. Before the big door in Numbuh 2's room could close, Numbuh 1 drove the R.O.A.D.S.T.A.R. inside in time, but it crashed, injuring him. However, it turned out Numbuh 1 faked his injury from the crash to turn his teammates into vampires. Numbuh 362 is also seen to have a special R.O.A.D.S.T.A.R. of her own, as seen in Operation: G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D..