| - Years later, Doctor Thaddeus Venture attempted to salvage the TVC-15 by using the Metasonic Locator to "reverse time" and remove all the debris that had covered the jetcraft. Instead, he accidentally brought back Major Tom as an undead corpse. When it came aboard the X-2, it became screaming incoherently and loudly, though it was ultimately merely annoying. Hank Venture and Dean Venture attempted to placate the spirit by calling his old wife Jeanie. It worked for a while, but the Action Man interjected and mentioned she had married him in Tom's absence. This set the ghost of Major Tom off even worse. However, Brock Samson quickly dismembered Tom's ghost and threw its remains back into the ocean's depths.
- The tragedy was compounded on Major Tom's return to space for another attempt at a Moon visit, when his Apollo capsule was lost in space. His last words were "Ground Control, we have a problem." Though his spaceship still seemed to know which way to go, he never broadcast again.
| - Years later, Doctor Thaddeus Venture attempted to salvage the TVC-15 by using the Metasonic Locator to "reverse time" and remove all the debris that had covered the jetcraft. Instead, he accidentally brought back Major Tom as an undead corpse. When it came aboard the X-2, it became screaming incoherently and loudly, though it was ultimately merely annoying. Hank Venture and Dean Venture attempted to placate the spirit by calling his old wife Jeanie. It worked for a while, but the Action Man interjected and mentioned she had married him in Tom's absence. This set the ghost of Major Tom off even worse. However, Brock Samson quickly dismembered Tom's ghost and threw its remains back into the ocean's depths.
- The tragedy was compounded on Major Tom's return to space for another attempt at a Moon visit, when his Apollo capsule was lost in space. His last words were "Ground Control, we have a problem." Though his spaceship still seemed to know which way to go, he never broadcast again. Just in case he lives, however, perhaps out of some remorse for depriving him of his triumph, Grand Duchess Gloriana XII paid for the construction of an antenna that, to this day, broadcasts on loop, "Ground control to Major Tom: Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong. Can you hear me Major Tom?" It is on the same band as several rock stations, and in appropriate atmospheric conditions sometimes will be picked up by a radio tuned to them instead of the actual music broadcast, causing much confusion. In actuality, the true lyrics to the song by David Bowie, written after a prophetic dream, warning us of the approach of a space oddity that will destroy the Earth as soon as 2024, have never been heard; we are all probably going to die as a result. When asked for a comment, Bowie angrily proclaimed, "We know Major Tom's a junkie." However, there is no proof to support his allegation.