| - .
- * A weapon that deals an approximate average of Dmg is needed to face & defeat the Dwarf King.
* Potion of Healing to help heal throughout the fight.
* The player should avoid their Hero/ine being surrounded by the Undead Dwarves, as they can paralyze your Hero/ine.
* A Scroll of Mirror Image is very powerful against all bosses. When fighting the King of Dwarves, it is best to use the scroll early, so your images will hit the King instead of skeletons.
* The Scroll of Psionic Blast is great to use against the King of Dwarves, when he has summoned many skeletons. The scroll can do surprising amounts of damage, though this is inconsistent.
* The King of Dwarves is immune to many potions.
- Don't use a Potion of Paralytic Gas on him, or your Hero/ine might end up paralyzing him/her self!
* In contrast to paralytic gas, toxic gas is a better choice, as the King & his Undead Dwarves will take some serious damage; and perhaps suffocate to death!
** Using a Potion of Toxic Gas in combination with a Potion of Invisibility will aid in the fight tremendously. Provided, of course, you stay out of the gas' range.
* As the King will go from one pedestal to the other , planting seeds on pedestals will provide useful traps.
* Melee Method:
- This CANNOT be stressed enough.
* Armor that absorbs up to Dmg, is needed to get through the fight.
- Whatever you do, heed what the signpost in the anteroom instructs.
- This will give the Hero/ine the Herbal armor buff , and will cause the King to only use one pedestal.
* Scroll of Lullaby are useful, to get a couple of extra hits on him.
* Wand of Slowness can help by making him slower with his attacks.
** Also, a melee weapon with the Chilling Enchantment can be used in place of this.
* A Wand of Disintegration can help, if there are a lot of Undead Dwarves around.
* Use the Wand of Amok on him & his Undead Dwarves, as they are susceptible to the Amok debuff .
* Firing sheep with the Wand of Flock at the pedestal, opposite from the one you're standing on , will render him relatively weak & practically harmless.
- The King of Dwarves has no ranged attack. It is advised for the player to focus on the King; however, if the Hero/ine is surrounded by Undead Dwarves, the player should focus on clearing them.
* : King of Dwarves Boss Guide
* :
- Plant a Seed of Earthroot on one pedestal and step on the plant.
| - * The King of Dwarves can summon 1 to 5 undead dwarves to fight the Hero/ine, when standing over the two pedestals at the center of the throneroom.
** This can be seen when the message says “King of Dwarves: "Arise, slaves!"”
* The maximum number of simultaneous Undead Dwarves increases, from 1 to 5, depending on how much the King of Dwarves is hurt; if the King's current HP is:
** : 5 undead dwarves
** : 4 undead dwarves
** : 3 undead dwarves
** : 2 undead dwarves
** : 1 undead dwarf
* The Undead Dwarves do not die when the King of Dwarves dies.
* The Undead Dwarves have the chance of paralyzing the Hero/ine.
* The King of Dwarves can call out, like a Scroll of Challenge, to notify where you are to the Undead Dwarves.